Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I Learned at Scrapmania...

I had a great time with my girlfriends at Scrapmania yesterday. We laughed, chatted and shopped; and it was great catching up on what's going on in each other's lives. We, for the most part, only see each other once a month at mania, so there's always a lot to catch up on.

The bad news is I didn't get any good creating done at all! LOL! I decided to toss the idea I had planned for my Honeymoon Two mini-album, and go with creating an 8 x 10 album with a funky, memorabilia-inspired theme. Only thing is - I stink at doing more than one thing at once, so designing while I chat doesn't work so well! I spent eleven hours - YEP YOU HEARD RIGHT - ELEVEN HOURS - working on mainly just the cover, and I think I am going to start over! HA!

So, I learned this: Never go to mania planning to design anything. Mania is for chatting with the girls and doing mindless work, such as mass-producing ATCs for swaps and such. ATCs that I have already designed at home.

I bought some really fun paper tho! A new line from Colorbok called "Lucky You." Isn't it fun?

12 sheets for only $4.99! I thought that was a screamin' deal!

So, today I have some fun creating to do - two Truth or Dare layouts, from a SiS game that's going on this weekend, and then I am just going to play with my new November Crop Suey kit!

I'll be back tomorrow with a new Scrapping The Music Layout, and a sneak peek of the aforementioned Crop Suey November kit!

Take care and happy scrapping!


  1. You hit the nail on the head about Scrapmania!!! I wish you were close enough to go to one with us!!!!

  2. I've never seen that paper before, it looks so cool!! But....I am on a paper freeze until December 1st. I'm on day 5!! Hey, I didn't realize you were a canuck too!!!
