Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Online Crop Was Fun!

Yesterday's first Online Crop at the Crop Suey Blog/Forum was a success! We had so much fun taking turns posting challenges!

Bree and Camille's challenge was to use the colors red, black and teal and use something sparkly and make it pop! I came up with this 8 x 8 layout of the boys:
Kim's tutorial/challenge was to create a ribbon flower and add it to a layout, so I added it right on to my first layout above! It's the red lace with the white sculpted button! Thanks for the instructions Kim - I had never made a flower like that!

Next, I did Kristina's challenge, which was to use something old, new, borrowed and blue! For the borrowed part we were to scraplift someone on the DT. I chose Kristina's layout called Photos by Sam, and came up with this:

and my challenge for everyone was to create an intuitive collage from magazine images. The idea was to spend a few minutes thinking about your hopes and dreams for the coming year, and then tear images out of magazines to create a layout. Optional was to include a self-portrait. This is what I ended up with:
If you'd like to try one of these yourself, check out the blog for more details! It's too late to win prizes, but it's still fun to do!

The new song is up at Scrapping The Music! This week we are featuring "Pictures of You" by The Last Goodnight - perfect for scrapping! Head on over and check it out!

I will be back tomorrow, but until then have a wonderful evening everyone!


  1. Well, it looks like you came away from the online crop with some nice final projects.

    I was also looking at your card album. I will have to start that for next year, too.

  2. Such fun projects! Sounds like you had a fun day! I'm anxious to get my power cord already! It's hard going all weekend with no online access!!!

  3. Girl I had a total blast on Saturday.
    Your layouts are DIVINE!
    Cant wait for the next one.

  4. I just fell in deeply in love with your blog. Thank you for all your inspiration!
