Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Alain Clark - Blow Me Away

OMG Life is crazy right now at work and home! I wish I could take a week's vacation and just scrap scrap scrap! I've got tons of ideas and HOPEFULLY I will get some time tomorrow.

In the meantime I want to share this video with you! One of my absolute FAVORITE things in life is discovering new music (at least new to me). I found about Alain Clark thru Jenneke's blog - thank you Jenneke!!! An upbeat, danceable song like this is just what I needed today!

I hope you like it! I will be back tomorrow! Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Uhhhhmmmmm, sorry Michelle, but I don't like Alain Clark AT ALL!!!
    - Like you very much tho, so I forgive you ;) -

  2. ohhh, I'm diggin this song! Just wrote it down so I can download it to my iPod later. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Dang! I can't see the video. Hopefully, I remember to check when I get home late tonight. Now I don't know who to believe...Marit or Damanda. LOL

    Hope your week calms down.


  4. hi girl- wish you some creative and fun time this week!!!!

  5. hope things slow down so you can scrap. I haven't had any time to lately either. A couple of layouts last week and that is all. Bummer. Busy getting ready for our yard sale this weekend. take care.

  6. he reminds me of justin timberlake!

  7. Hope you get a chance to BREATHE this week!

  8. I love finding new music, too. Fun fun fun! Hope you find time to scrap. A vacation sounds good. Maybe I should plan one. :o)

  9. OK, Michelle...I'm now officially in love with Alain Clark. ALL of his music rocks and he is SO darn cute! (and it's all your fault! hahaha)
