Friday, July 31, 2009

L is for Laugh...

Tonight's project got me one letter closer to being caught up with my "A Year In The Life of an Art Journal" project. The prompt for the letter "L" was Look, but I felt compelled to change it to laugh...
I used acrylic paint, white eggnog thickers (my favorite style!), magazine images (the laughing kids), BG June Bug paper (bird), Heidi Grace rubons, 7 Gypsies gaffer tape, vintage houndstooth fabric, misc ribbons, Rusty Pickle tag, and black and white sharpies.

The journaling reads: "Since I met Michael, my world has become filled with laughter, and it makes every day feel bright and sunny. We giggle about our little quirks, the funny things that happen in life, and even the ridiculousness of bad situations. I never knew how good it feels to laugh your way thru life before, but now I couldn't live without it."

I'm almost half-way thru the prompts now, and it's fun to see my journal filling up! The letter prompts go on every other page, and I still have to fill the in-between pages with random journaling, which I haven't been very good about. Guess I better get busy on that!

Next on my project list is a layout for this Sunday's Scrapping The Music song. It's a fun one! I won't be able to share the whole thing tomorrow, but maybe I can post a sneak peek!

So, in other news, I was looking through my latest Oprah magazine looking for images for my project, and I came upon an article about music, and a place where it said something about - if you like Neil Young, you would probably like this band called The Avett Brothers. Being a long-time Neil Young fan, I had to check it out. Turns out The Avett Brothers are an Americana Band and I absolutely fell in love with their music! They have a music player right on their website, and I spent the whole evening listening to them while I worked on my page. I think I will be investing in some Avett Brothers tuneage very soon!

Who have you been listening to lately? Anyone new inspiring you?


  1. Hi

    I love your art journal page. Especially the journalling. Kids can bring joy into our lives, can't they?

    Have a fabulous day with a lot of fun so you can keep laughing.


  2. this is such a wonderful wonderful page!!!!

  3. The sheer volume of incredible work you create is inspiring!!! And I love those thickers!!! Super cute!

  4. how fun is that layout?? i am always drawn to this style, but can't for the life of me incorporate it into my it!
