Friday, July 3, 2009

Photoswap Layout from Karalyn!

I arrived home from SiSversary to a super-fun surprise in my mailbox! My layout from my photoswap partner Karalyn! I had sent her these photos of Wilbie meeting the soft-sculpture frog for the first time. I just LOVE what she came up with (click to see more detail)...I love how she made two of the photos black and white, and the fresh, clean white background. Fun title too! Karalyn also sent me two fabulous Hambly transparencies as a gift!

Thank you so much Karalyn - I love love love my new layout (and the extra gift)!

I am feeling so inspired from SiSversary! I loved all of my classes, and didn't finish any of the projects (of course - ha); so now I have LOTS to work on! Yeayyyyy! And it's a long weekend - double Yeayyyyyyy!

Oh, and I can't wait to share all the awesome layouts I got from my circle journal group! I am going to finish the rest of the journal before I share tho, so I can show you the whole thing at once. It was so much fun to do a circle journal this way, I can't wait to try it again! I am thinking of hosting a CJ swap on SiS sometime soon...

OH, and I also can't wait to share the super FUN stuff my AWESOME secret sister gave to me at SiSversary! Andrea - you rock!

All this is fodder for future posts - and now I'm off to finish unpacking all my scrappy goodies!

Oh and p.s. there's a flickr group where everyone is posting pics from SiSversary! Check it out here if you're interested. It will probably have new pics added to it daily for awhile.

Thanks so much for stopping by! See you again tomorrow with another update!


  1. ahhha- what a beautiful layout she made for you!

  2. You layouts are SO AWESOME .. aaack ..

  3. That LO is gorgeous! Can't wait to see the CJ!

  4. Hi Michelle, just a short visit on some of my fave blogs to check it out - it's too #&!%$(#@ HOT in Holland (read my blog) to stay at the computer... in fact, the computer can hardly handle this heat! (it went black yesterday, eeeekkkk....) I hope to visit more regular after the weekend. Love all the ATC's and lay out you showed! Sending you creative vibes from Holland and have a nice (long) weekend! LOve, Marit
