Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Project 365 Week 28

After all the excitement of SiSversary, last week was relatively quiet...

Monday, July 6: So proud of my full ATC ribbon. It holds my Project 52 cards for 26 weeks!

Tuesday, July 7: There is something about a sleeping cat that is so comforting...

Wednesday, July 8: A lone Pigeon and the State Capitol, as seen from a parking ramp in St. Paul...

Saturday July 11: Willie figures he is sure to get attention if he sits right IN my collage bits box...

also Saturday, July 11: His brother Johnny is not necessarily looking for attention. He just likes hanging out in my kit boxes...

Sunday, July 12: Beautiful sunflowers at the community garden. Sunflowers always remind me of Maude from the movie Harold and Maude...

also Sunday, July 12: Another shot of the community garden...

Last night I finished my Scrapping The Music layout for this coming Sunday, using the June Studio Calico kit. I had ALOT of fun with it! Wish I could share it now, but I must wait til Sunday nite. Drat. I'm not that good at waiting. :0)

In anticipation of a 16-hour crop-a-ganza this weekend, my plan is to print out every challenge blog that looks interesting this week, make a plan for what photos and kits will work for each challenge and slowly gather things together all week. Then, at the crop I can work on nothing but challenges! Doesn't that sound like fun?!!! I love challenges! They can be so fun and inspiring!

Well, that's it for today, but I will be back tomorrow, hopefully with some art journaling pages finally done. I am still working on lesson two and I think the class is already up to lesson five - yipes!

See you tomorrow and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love all the photos! Can't wait to see your STM LO. I haven't made anything with the June main kit yet, but I have used the add-ons :)

  2. hee hee - those cats make me giggle!

  3. Lol- your kitties are too funny. And I love the picture of all the sunflowers- awesome!!!!

  4. Those kitty pics are too cute!!...And I think your plan for Sat. sounds great - what fun that crop will be!
