Thursday, October 1, 2009

EEK! I won! and more news...

EEK! I won a prize! I'm so excited! My Scraproom layout won the challenge over at the "My Favorite Things" blog! Check out the announcement here! Thank you soooo much to the design team at Fave Things for picking me! I feel honored!

And in even bigger news, I am going to be the Guest Designer for October at the Fave Things Blog! I've known about this for awhile, but didn't think I should share til October 1st. I hope you will come on over and play along with us - there will be new challenges on the 15th and the 30th. I might just be adding an extra little prize too!

I finally finished my "Q" page for "A Year In The Life of an Art Journal. It's funny because I have been toiling forever over the prompt word "question." I was truly stuck and I couldn't figure out why. The challenge was to answer a question in your journal. Any question. When I was a child I was big on questions. I was always asking "WHY" about everything. My Dad got really good at saying "because I'm the Dad, that's why." LOL (needless to say that wasn't what I wanted to hear).

Now, the older I get, the less I ask why, or even ask for anything in particular to happen. I mean, I still ask the small questions, like "will Marty and Aaron get together in the next season of 24?", or "why does cereal have to be so fattening?" But the big questions about life, not so much. I've learned (thru much trial and error I might add) to have faith; and wait for the answers to come - all on their own. It's been amazingly magical to see that it really works.

So, I decided to use this quote that has been a favorite for years, for the question prompt. It sums up my feelings pretty well (click on the image to see it larger)...
If you're into art journaling, I want to share that I recently discovered a couple of awesome art journal artists. I am finding both of their blogs very inspiring:

Mary Ann Moss
Kelly Kilmer

So, that's about it for today. I hope to be able to share my layout for the October TATS sketch tomorrow! Have a fabulous day and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Congrats, babe! that is awesome!

  2. Thank you Michelle for the kind words!!!

  3. hey michelle, did you end up taking elsie's class??

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I can't wait to show our LO's for Octobers CHALLENGES!!!! YAY! :):):):):):):):) And wow wow wow wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that quote for your journal page is AMAZING!! WOW! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Oh My gosh. The COLORS in this!! I love it. Thanks so much for sharing what you do with me!! I love seeing it!!

  6. Thanks for the welcome Michelle!

    I adore your style... it's so fun and funky, and your scrap room is delicious! Congrats on your win!

  7. love that you used Rainer Maria Rilke's quote. Wonderful pages!!!

  8. Congrats,congrats! You totally deserve it!!

  9. YAY!!! what a gorgeous page it is too!! Congrats! Just LOVED it!

    love your question journal pages too!! Stunning colour!
    have a wonderful weekend Bloss

  10. Congrats on both the winning AND the GD spot over at TAAFOMFT!!!! You totally deserve it dear!!! I love the words in you Art Journal - and those ladies in your link are truly inspirational! Thanks!
