Monday, November 30, 2009

November 29th Journal Page and Project 365 Catch-Up...

Today is the last day of the November Promp-A-Day class! I'm anxious to see what's coming up for December! In the meantime, here's my page from yesterday...

November 29...

Now - on to the subject of Project 365 - EEK I'm really starting to struggle! I keep forgetting to take pictures! I know I can keep it up til the end of the year - I just have to!!! Anyhoo, what I'm doing is just trying to take as many pictures as I can. Some days I take a bunch to make up for not taking any on other days. In the end I WILL have 365 photos! This is a good exercise in stick-to-it-iveness! So, here are some photos to catch you up:

Tuesday, November 10th: Willie - portrait of a scraproom cat...

and Johnny with the packing paper from my latest shipment of scrap supplies. I think he likes it when I get happy mail, even more than I do!

Friday, November 20: A scene from inside my favorite thrift store. They have treasures galore!

Friday, November 20: After doing the art journal page about how I was always the kid with the loud pants, I came across this old picture of me as a kid wearing LOUD pants!

Tuesday, November 24th: It was a grey day, but beautiful to see the geese flying in formation on my way to Chisago City...

It was my first time going to Chisago City - what a cute little town it is!

Thursday, November 26: The atmosphere was festive at the Rydell family Thanksgiving gathering...

Sunday, November 29th: I finally broke down and ordered some happy tape. I have been wanting some of this stuff for a long time. I got this set of plaids...
and this set of black and whites. I can't wait to use them! (Photos borrowed from the happy tape website)...

So, that is it for now. I am re-commiting myself to finish out the year strong with my Project 365 photos! It's only five more weeks til the end of the year!

Alrighty then - the next thing on my list is to do a challenge! Hmmmmm, I'm off to check out some challenge blogs and find something to participate in!

Have a fabulous Monday my friends, and I will be back tomorrow with another update - thanks so much for visiting!


  1. GREAT page (and sentiment) and I'm way jealous of your happy tape! Can't wait to see what you make with it!

  2. What a fabulous page! Love that happy tape, and the cute pics of the cats in the scrap!!

  3. Cool happy tape! Fun array of pics! Love the cats!

  4. love love love the page michelle and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos....the one with the loud pants cracks me up!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Are there really only 5 weeks left 'till the end of the year... eeeeekkkk! Your art journal page is awesome, LOVE that image with the journaling! And I ADORE your loud trousers!!! Keep them photo's coming... you can do it!

  6. Hi, I enjoyed my stay @ ure page! I love ure cats and how u write.
    NIce art pages as well.
    Sweet dreams from the Netherlands,
    Love Claudia
