Saturday, November 28, 2009

What a Fun, Relaxing Weekend!

It's 2:20 am and I'm creating like crazy while watching tv on I'm currently checking out the remake from the 1990s of the soap opera "Dark Shadows." I didn't even know there was a remake! It's kinda corny so far, but fun cuz the original was my favorite as a little kid - I thought it was so scary! Barnabas Collins the vampire and his brother Quentin Collins the werewolf were the main characters. Do any of you remember that show? Okay, I digress...

I finished two more art journal pages from Kelly's class...

November 27th...

and November 26th...

and also my Project 52 ATCs for October (weeks 40 - 43). For these I used photos from Honeymoon three, and as the base of my cards, I used four hotel keys from our trip!

Tonight was reveal night at Studio Calico, which was also fun! I actually resisted getting any add-on kits this month, but I did get some of their new calendar pages, which I think will be PERFECT for Project 12 2010! They also have some super cute months of the year stamps that I will go perfect with the calendar pages! You can see the calendar pages here, and the months stamps here. Yeayyy!

Alrighty then - the next project on my list is my layout for the December TATS sketch. I'm off to get started on it! I hope you are having a fabulous weekend!


  1. These are AMAZING Michelle! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Wow...stunning art pages and I love the ATC's!~Loving those pictures!Fab art!
