Friday, December 4, 2009

The Freedom of the Creative PROCESS...

I am absolutely LOVING the PROCESS of journaling every day. There is something almost magical about how it feels. This might sound a little "out there," but the more I do it, the more the pages almost talk to me, tell me what they need. It's very centering and I love that. Maybe what it is, is that it allows me to simply play. Kinda like in high school, when I didn't feel like listening to the teacher, so I would just doodle in my notebook instead. I'm also liking the confine of doing just one page, and fitting my thoughts about a subject into the open places of the collage. Oh, and also - I am LOVING watching the book fill up! I've only got a few pages left and then I will post a pic of what it looks like full. Here's the Prompt-A-Day page I finished tonight...

December 3:

And speaking of books filling up, I am filling up my ABC journal too! Here is the latest page...

T is for Tasty...
It's my favorite little red-billed duck friend again! The one I met at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. The picture was taken by Michael. I love the memory of feeling this little gal's bill grabbing the food out of my hand!

I got my shipping notices for my Studio Calico kit AND my Happy Tape order today! I should get them both by Monday I hope! Yeayyyy!

Okay, gotta go, but I wish you a Fabulous Friday and I will see you tomorrow for another update! Thanks so much for visiting and especially for your comments - I really appreciate hearing from you!


  1. Yes, it's great to see an art journal "grow" and fill up... pages are beautiful and I can see your happines and joy shining through! Have a lovely weekend Michelle!

  2. soooooooooooooooooo love love love these michelle!!!!! your journaling is always wonderful! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. what happy tape did you buy?? i've drooled over that site more than once, but can't commit. =)

  4. Michelle your art journal pages are amazing, the swan one is my fave!!!!!
