Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Michael and the cats and I are ringing in 2010 here in Minnesota and having a blast! Oh, how I LOVE New Year's! We've been reading our goals and resolutions, and making predictions for the new year. It always feels so awesome to have another brand new start!

Studio Calico is having a challenge to scrap what the new year has in store for you, so I decided to do a layout about my resolutions! I used the December "Orchestra" kit for this one...

Making this layout was the perfect New Year's Eve activity! I don't think I've ever scrapped my new year's resolutions before, but it will be nice to have them to look at as the year progresses.

I also want to say THANK YOU to my awesome friend Marit for the beautiful package of happy mail that arrived yesterday all the way from the Netherlands!!! First of all - check out the ultra-cool recycled bag it came in...
How COOL is that? It's made from recycled newspaper, but it's really sturdy! I LOVE it!

And take a look at all the BEAUTIFUL goodies that were inside! I LOVE the hand-marbled paper, and the vintage lace and the ORANGE lace (you know what I like Marit!) and the children's book pages in dutch, and, and ALL OF IT!!! The silver and gold markers are fantastic! I've never seen those over here! Thank you so much Marit - you made my day!

Now that the Top 2000 challenge is over, I am back to my daily art journaling. I'm behind on the December prompts - so today's page was made using the one from December 16th...

I also wanted to share a pic of our family taken on Christmas Day. It's a little blurry, but I still love how it turned out. And that beautiful wreath in the background was a gift from my sister Renee - isn't it pretty?!!!
P.S. We pulled Christmas "crackers" open and everyone got a paper crown, a joke and a toy in them. Steve was the only one brave enough to keep his on for the official picture - yeayyy Steve!

2009 has been a fabulous year! I want to thank you so much for being part of my life by stopping by and visiting me here! It means a lot to me!

Here's wishing you and yours a blessed 2010! I will be back tomorrow with another update - see you then!


  1. Dear friend! Wish you all the best in this brand new year!!! I'm so glad we met, and that my parcel arrived just in time to "close" 2009... I'm knew you would like the orange lace... And now, on to new adventures and new challenges and new goals in 2010... !! Can't wait to start and see what beautiful stuff YOU come with this year!

  2. Wow, what a fun package to receive! Happy New Year to you!

  3. Wow... what a great page and it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!! Happy new Year!

  4. happy New Year. That stop worrying about what other think is a good one. I started doing that years ago. changes your life...more bliss

  5. LOVE that mix of goodies, and can't wait to see how you use them. your projects are lovely - totally digging the colors on your resolution one.

  6. omygosh!!!!! Michelle!!!!!! I love love love love love your '10 LO!!!! WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! And HOLY HAPPY MAIL and HAPPY journal page!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what Marit sent U and loving the photos of U and the giraffe!!!!!!! And I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee family photos and YOURS IS GORGEOUS!!! And that wreath that Renee made is STUNNING!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR Michelle! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  7. I love your family photo Michelle!! Your package of goodies looks awesome and you know I love your art journal page!!!! Glad you had a great new years!

  8. your layouts are so fun! happy new year!

  9. Fun packages, great layouts and a Happy new year to you and your family!
