Thursday, January 28, 2010

Scraproom Update, New Class and Another Challenge Project...

My scraproom is still a HUGE mess, but my new storage unit/entertainment center is assembled and waiting to be filled with scrappy goodness... I just LOVE IT! Once I get things organized it's going to be great! I've got 16 more cubes for organizing my stuff, and a big place in the middle where I will someday put a flat-screen TV. I have to save up for that though!
I have not done a thing to the room in the last two days. I've been feeling more like scrapping than organizing! (Story of my life - LOL).

I finished this layout for two challenges over at Studio Calico. It's for the weekly sketch challenge, and Kimmi Achord's challenge to use some packaging on your layout. Here's what I came up with...
I used the SC "Over The Rainbow" kit, plus a strip of Love, Elsie adhesive fabric. The strip of hearts is cut from a Studio Calico advertisement postcard, and the piece above the word "Beach" was taken from the top of the Melody Frances Flash Card Box - both came with the kit...

It's hard to see on the main photo, but I added some gems randomly to the background paper.
I am loving these challenges!

I'm also SUPER EXCITED because I signed up for Marit's "Let It Loose" Art Journaling class today! It starts February 1st - I can hardly wait!!! There's still time to sign up if you are interested - click here for more info.

Tonight I will be working hard on my room again, and getting ready for the LSS garage sale. Denise asked if I get cash or credit at the garage sale. The way it works is that I pay $5.00 for a spot in the sale; and then for everything I sell, I get store credit. It's a wonderful deal!

Alrighty then, I am off to start another project. I hope you are having a wonderful week! Take care and I will see you soon!


  1. what a fabulous take on the challenges! love the little details you added there Michelle!

  2. Your room is gonna be gorgeous! And wow, what a lot of stuff you have...! I love your layout and that photo of you and Michael is awesome... a sunny beach photo for sure! I'm excited that you signed up for my class.. can't wait to start!!!

  3. Whoa!! What a gigantic room! Have fun getting it together!!!

  4. what a great take on the challenge! your layout looks great!
    and you new room is looking great...that cabinet is awesome!

  5. organizing supplies is something i find challenging - it's interesting to see how your room is coming together and how you're going to organize...

  6. Cool layout! Love all the little elements! Your room is definitely coming along! I NEED to finish mine. It's driving me CRAZY not having it finished! LOL.

  7. your organization is getting me motivated! love your storage piece! :)

  8. your room is gonna kick some tail! it looks awesome! love the layouts, too!

  9. holy mess, batman. it will be so wonderful when it's all done!!

  10. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loving the room and love love love that lo!! gorgeous! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  11. What I like best about your challenge LO here is that you used patterned bg paper...and you let it shine! I have such a hard time with my beloved patterned papers...BTW, that is a fun photo of you & Michael. Good luck with the garage sale (again) and thanks for all the challenge links! :)

  12. your room is coming along! thats awesome. great lo too!!! :)

  13. What a gigantic room! Have fun getting it together!!

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