Monday, February 1, 2010

I Have a New Hero and Lots of Other News...

Guess what we went to see yesterday???? I will give you a hint - here's my new hero....
yes - you guessed it!!! The movie was AVATAR and we saw it in 3-D!!! WOW - What an experience!!! It was so much more than I expected. It's a love story, has a great message, and it's totally AMAZING artistically!!! WOO HOO!!! If you have a choice to see it in 3-D I would highly recommend PAYING THE EXTRA MONEY TO DO IT!!!! We were so glad we did!!!

The new challenges are up at Scrapping The Music AND the Fave Things blog! I've been waiting to share these two layouts with you and I finally can - yeayyy!!!

The featured song at Scrapping The Music is "Disneyland" by Five For Fighting. My friend Lynn suggested this song and it really rocks as inspiration for scrapping! Like I said on the STM blog - it has very magical quality to it, and the lyrics are sooo scrappable even if you've never been to Disneyland! Here's what I came up with...
I downloaded the image of Mickey Mouse from the web, and the patterned paper is designed by Stephanie Wheeler. I don't know if it's available any more, but I sure love it! The title lettering is hand-drawn with a black sharpie and outlined with a white one. This challenges goes until Saturday night, so come on over and join in!!!

At the Fave Things blog, the challenge is to scrap your favorite outfit. This was a difficult task for me. I took a look at my closet and thought. Hmmmm.... Favorite outfit? I guess I need more clothes - there's nothing good in here. HA. So, I took a little creative license and did the layout on something I do enjoy wearing. Here's how it turned out...
I used the Orchestra kit from Studio Calico, plus some miscellaneous doo-dads from my stash. The peace sign came from my good friend Julie - thank you Julie!!! You know me well!!! The background is kraft cardstock and pan pastels. You've got til Feb 14th to play along, so come on over and join in!

Alrighty then - it's time for another scraproom update! I'm organizing things one at a time, and first on my list was my fabric. I had all this groovy fabric and NEVER used it because it was sooo unorganized! I had some jammed in a box that was hard to get at, and a whole bunch more stuffed in a big garbage bag, but NO MORE!!! Here's what I did...

The big pieces got folded up and placed in a cube...

The mid-sized and oddball shaped pieces got organized by color and put into a box that is easily accessible on the bottom shelf of my cubes...

and the small pieces got folded neatly and put into a vintage tray. I put these in plain sight so I will know what I've got and thus remember to use them!

Here's how it looks on my shelf. The pink box is where my bags of scraps are...
It took me an entire evening to organize it, but it was sooo worth it!

Today is the first day of the Let It Loose Art Journaling class, and I'm so excited! I've read through the assignment, and I'm going to start in on it as soon as I'm done with this post. It's really a fun group of women - lots of familiar names!

I wish you a week full of fun and inspiration!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. Some organizing skills you got Michelle! And wow - lovely fabric in plain sight... I'm expecting gorgeous layouts with that girl! I saw the two layouts already - love it! Love your bracelets... I'm not a jewel-wearer but can picture you with those totally! It fits you!

  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i loveeeeeeeeeeeee the lo's michelle...and *phew* i was thought that peace symbol was from all that yummy! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I like both of these. Mine would be ear rings or nail polish. I love painting up my toes. Makes me feel girly.

  4. great LO !~ thanks for the linky, that song made my morning (LOVE five for fighting)

  5. LOVE your fun organizing going on...and LOVE your fun creations! xoxo

  6. Wonderful layouts!! I can't wait to see all the inspiration that comes from that class:) Love all that fabric...I wish i had that much to play with! Love, Jess

  7. You are so organized...I might be a bit jealous of your skills!

    Great layouts -- I love bracelets, too, but I wisk they didnt' get in the way when I type. LOL

  8. Love your bracelets... I'm not a jewel-wearer but can picture you with those totally! It fits you!

    Work from home India
