Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Have Been Bitten...

Do you ever have a situation where you can live with something for just so long and then, all of a sudden YOU CANT STAND IT ANYMORE??? That happened to me this morning! I wasn't even out of bed yet, and all of a sudden I thought "I absolutely HAVE to get my scraproom organized TODAY!!! It's been a mess since I got my new bookcase back in January, and I just can't stand it anymore! HA! I have been bitten by the cleaning bug!

Here are some quick pics of how things are looking now, and believe me, they look worse in real life...

EEEEKKK! Off I go. I will report back later with how it went. Wish me luck and continued motivation!!!

Here's wishing you all a wonderful Saturday!!! I hope your crafting areas are more organized than mine!


  1. I smiled a big smile reading your post... how's it coming along Michelle? Keep the motivation up girl!!! (We did the last two days, my beloved and I. He did a MAJOR cleaning job on our home-office and I cleaned a part of the house... YAY. It feels so good when it's done!)

  2. What in inspiration you are! My room is such a disaster that I can't even imagine where to start. One of those Clip It Up's would be a good place. ;)
    This is my mess:

  3. hehehehehehe....that's what mine looked like before i packed for a crop that i have tonight!! LOL! :):):):):):) Make sure U save a little room on one of the walls in there.....just sayin'....u never know when something might show up from the postman! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. you did good, I can't even move around in my room.

  5. I hope your cleaning went well today - I think I may have to do some of that tomorrow. Maybe I can take over another empty bedroom...or at least the closet!

  6. OMG...what a huge amount of stuff. I wish to have a scrap room one day...but it would stay looking crazy I'm sure. Good luck! love, Jess

  7. so happy to see my studio isn't the only one to be called a disaster zone... I try so hard... and promise I'm not going to let it go... but I seem to fail all the time... what's worse... is my nephew is sleeping in there, so my scrap time is limited and so is my cleaning up time... so if I have to choose... I'll scrap... and clean up later... but when IS later??? my poor room, my poor stuff, my poor nephew... I hope you got it done... I still have mine to do... thanks for reminding me... lol!!! Have a lovely day!!! {{hugs}} Michelle

  8. goodie I love seeing organized scrap rooms. Can't wait to see the afters!
