Monday, September 6, 2010

More Journal Pages & a Reminder about the Mixed Emotions Workshop!

Here are a few more completed pages from my Remains of the Day Journal. This journal is seriously fun to work in...

I've started a ritual where I take a few minutes in the morning to do some extra decorating on the page, and then write on the page in the evening. For example this page went from this...

to this when it was complete...

I added a journaling card into the envelope...

P.S. I totally loved the movie Inception (hence the photo on this page). Have you seen it? I'm totally fascinated by dreams anyway, and this is a real mind-bender!

I'm deep into preparing for the upcoming "Mixed Emotions" workshop that I'm teaching with Marit Barentsen and having a blast with it! I really hope you consider joining us - it is going to be TONS of fun!!! Click here for more information and/or to register!

I will leave you with today's photo of Johnny enjoying my latest bag of journaling scraps. Can you see his little eyes peeking out? This is why I have to lock any open bags of stuff in the bathroom at night. LOL...

Thanks so much for visiting and have a wonderful, creative day my friends!


  1. Teehee.... I was in an angle hanging in front of my computer when my beloved walked in the room... "what on earth are YOU doing???" Uhhmmm, reading Michelle's journal"
    LOVE IT DEAR!!!!!! And do I spot a little "dutch ephemera"?? You have an awesome week Michelle and YESSSSS, mixing OUR emotions while preparing the workshop is so inspirational! Our students will have a blast with the lessons we are writing right now, I'm sure!

  2. I love your journal Michelle!And I can't wait to get started on your workshop!

  3. Your journal is really cool! I love it!

  4. More cool pages Michelle.....just wondering what you do with all your scraps do you save them and use them for another page or journal or do you get to the point wher eyou jsut have too many and throw them out?

  5. What a neat book! Your work is really fun!

  6. Beautiful!!!!! you always amaze and excite me with your fantastic use of color - so exuberant and joyful! I know that your workshop will be awesome - Good luck and have a super holiday weekend!

  7. wow - that shouting mouth is awesome! love the photo of the cat in the bag! your cats are smarter than my dog - can't let him near my room because i know he'deat everything little thing.

  8. silly kitteh! soooo cute!!!

    and once again you've impressed me with your rich and layered work! so awesome Michelle!

    : .)

  9. love the moth photo and the cat in the bag!

  10. This is AMAZING Michelle!! I just did my very first art journal (welllll...sort of!! LOL!!!) :):):):):) I loveeeeeeeeeee that mouth on that first image and love love love love the photo of him in the bag!! Toooooooooo cute!! And Brian saw Inception while I was at my Art Journaling class and he loved it! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  11. Wow, what a cool journal, loved the mouth photo!!! what a funny picture of your kitty...LOL. I saw Inception, and I´m now fascinated with dreams too...your workshop looks great!

  12. omg. your journals are great. I want to sign up for the mixed emotions one. I need to decide soon. sounds awesome.

    and I must say, that picture of your cat is awesome. how cute. =)

  13. Oooh... how I just LOVE your journals!! Each and every page is gorgeous! Love how you mix patterned paper with paint, doodles and a fab handwriting!!
