Saturday, November 27, 2010

December Daily + Journal Your Christmas = Holiday Journal!!!

The Purple Polkadot Crop yesterday was so much FUN!!! Why purple polkadot you ask??? Because it sounds more fun than calling it the Black Friday crop! It was proposed by the scrapbook store to be a protest against the craziness of Black Friday shopping.

For my non-US friends, the day after thanksgiving in our country is the biggest shoping day of the year. Stores have special HUGE discounts on certain items and people fight - quite literally sometimes - to get the stuff they want. In fact, we went by Best Buy on Thanksgiving night, and people were out there (in the winter cold I might add) in PUP TENTS camping out, so they could be the first in line on Black Friday morning. Ummm, not my cup of tea but okay...

Anyhoo, back to the Purple Polkadot Crop. One of the deals was that anyone who wore purple polkadots to the crop would get a special prize. I didn't have any purple polka dot outfits (surprise surprise), but I am not one to miss out on a special prize, so I got out some paint and created this...I must say it was a lot of fun! I may make some more painted t-shirts! And it did the trick - my prize was a cool pack of ribbon from Little Yellow Bicycle - yeayyy! It was funny too, cuz my friend Christina did the same thing - I wish I would have taken a picture but I forgot - she painted purple polkadots on a t-shirt too and it turned out super cute! Yeayyy Christina!!!

I spent the day working on my December Daily/Journal Your Christmas Journal and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! Here's how the cover turned out...

I used Walnut Stain Distress Ink to get the cover that rich dark brown color. I just rubbed the inkpad directly onto the chipboard and it worked really well. The rest is a combination of Crate Paper's "Snow Day" collection, Pieces from my Studio Calico "Yearbook" kit, and things from my stash. Now I'm super excited for December 1st to roll around so I can start filling it up! Yeayyy!

They had some fantabulous sales at the crop too. I just want to share a couple of my favorite buys (at 40% off!). This scrapbook pad - at first glance may not look like my cup of tea because of the muted colors but....

It has BUNNIES ON PLAID!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out that cute little fella!!!!! His image runs all through the designs in this pad - HOW CUTE IS HE???????????????? I am in loveeeee...

and my other favorite thing was this paper pad. How gorgeous is this???

The colors and designs on these papers literally made me gasp. Here's one example - I mean could you not just frame this piece of paper and hang it up as is???
This has art journal pages written all over it! I can't wait to dig in and start using it!!!

Oh, and while we are on the subject of Black Friday, I must mention the sale that Studio Calico had! SC rocks man - they had some of the greatest deals EVER!!! I managed to snag an add-on kit for $5.00! and a whole alphabet set of stamps for $4.50. Lots of other cool stuff too which I will share in photos when they arrive into my hot little hands! Thank you Studio Calico!!!!!

So, that's the update for today. I hope you had an awesome Black Friday, and thanks so much for visiting!!!


  1. oooh, I LOVE your purple polka-dot peace-symbol pull-over! LOL!!! clever, clever!

    and I sooo want that colorful life stack! can't wait to see what you do with it!!!

  2. I love how you made the tshirt - it is so YOU! and wow! that colorful paper stack is wonderful - can't wait to see what you create!

  3. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee that tshirt and your mini!!!!! And loving those paper stacks you got! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Love the cover and all of the great Black Friday scores!

  5. love the cover of your december daily...i bet it will be an amazing book once it's all completed!!

  6. I would definitely have done the same: paint polkadots on my clothes! I love how your t-shirt came out!!!! And the colourful kit, oh my goodness, yummie!!! I bet it will be all over your Holiday journal! Enjoy playing with it!!!

  7. Your JYC cover is amazing!! Wow, it stands out so much! Can't wait to see what you do on the inside!

  8. totally love your JYC cover. It has such a wonderful playful feel
