Monday, February 20, 2012

Project Life - Week of February 13 - 19, 2012...

Hey there and happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I worked on my Project Life spread a little each day this week, and it worked out great! I can't believe it's already done! Here's how it turned out...
Noted this week: Valentines day flowers and date, Michael's computer tower, some art I created, movies on Netflix and other every day things.

Left side closeup...
The one that cracks me up this week is the photo of Johnny with Willie's fur hanging out of his mouth. They had been fighting, and I broke it up. I had to laugh when he was looking at me like "what? I didn't do anything" and that big hunk of fur was hanging out of his mouth - ha. I also included some of the fur. I also found an ATC that I received from Cait Durham in a swap a long time ago. It fit the theme this week so I included it. Thanks Cait!

Right side closeup...
The boys have been having alot of trouble with hairballs recently, so we got some Petromalt - a gooey, sticky substance that they lick right off your finger. It's supposed to prevent hairballs. Let me tell you they are CRAZY for it! So, I had to include a piece of the box. The Netflix collage was done in photoshop elements. I created a 4x6 canvas with a grid, and dragged the movie poster images around on it til they fit. The Faith ATC is one I created a couple of years ago. The Good Carma badge is actually a magnet someone put on my car door while it was parked downtown at a meter. I thought it was cute.

This week I might try pre-cutting background cards from patterned cardstock, to create a color palette for the week. It's fun to try different things to see how they work.

In other news, the slideshow for our "Art" challenge is up at Scrapping The Music! Come on over and check it out!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you again soon!


  1. What a great start to my week: coming by your blog and see your lifebook-spread! Your 'boys' crack me up! Give them a cuddle and have a great week Michelle!

  2. It's amazing how different your project life is from mine, I love love yours!! You manage to fill it up so much with all kinds of goodies. Funny story about your cats, made me laugh!! So cool seeing all the color and fun in your pages, keep up the good work.

  3. Great pages for this week!! I loveeeee the flowers Michael got you... and loving the story on the boys! Tooooo cute!

  4. Love your pages! There's so many cool elements to look at!

  5. it must be so fun and rewarding to see your pages come together! they are so enticing with so many things to look at. :-)

  6. I love how you use painterly techniques in your project life- each pocket is a mini ATC. Great color here- very unique.
