Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oh my goodness, time is flying by...

Hi everyone!  I never intended to go this long without blogging - it's been a week - eek!  I have a good excuse tho - Michael and I went to visit the Rocky Mountains to celebrate his 18-years of sobriety anniversary!  I'm working on my project life page for last week, but it's not quite finished yet.  Here's a sneak peek of a few of the photos from our getaway...

The Rockies are a little slice of heaven for us.  It's the second time we've been there, and we hope to return again and again.

Tomorrow I head to Scrapfest, so I will be away from blogland until Monday, but then I will be back and I can't wait to share all about the experience!!!

Thanks so much for visiting!!!  I really appreciate you all!


  1. Time flies indeed Michelle! I just went back on my blog to see what I did one year ago (I do that sometime, do you?) and saw that I showed a page in my 'album sleeve journal' and your name as the big inspiration behind it - so I needed to hop over to say hello to you! I haven't worked in that album journal for months btw... should pick it up one of these days. I will go see what challenge is over at STM, it might fit... LOVE the photos of your trip! Fantastic landscape!

  2. Hello Michelle, so glad your back I missed you!! Congrats to hubby, what a great idea to take a trip and celebrate. LOVE THE PICTURES!!

    Have fun at Scrapfest, can't wait to see the journal you will make again. See you next week!

  3. Congrats to Michael on his milestone!! That is AWESOME!!! I loveeeeeeee the photos!!!!

  4. Huge heartfelt congratulations to Michael! Have a great time at Scrapfest . PS ....beautiful getaway!

  5. I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip!!!


  6. Congratulations Michael!! My husband celebrated 20 years in May.

  7. oh this makes me happy to see- I loved the Rockies- I wanna go back some day!!! Have a great time!

  8. I absolutely LOVE these photos, Michelle!!!!! Awesome! Happy sobriety to Michael! YAY for him!!!!!!
