Friday, December 14, 2012

Hello December Art Journal Page...

I've been really enjoying working with faces lately!  They used to stress me out, but I'm learning to relax and just have fun with them, and it's changed my whole attitude!

Here's my Book of Days page for December 3rd...
The background on this one is pretty simple.  A layer of dictionary paper pieces, adhered with gel medium.  On top of that is a border of neocolor II crayon, blended with water.  The heart was stamped with a piece of cardboard that I cut into a heart shape.

In other news, I have three of my Top 2000 journal pages ready for Marit's blog party!  Yeayyy!  Find out more about the Top 2000 party here.

Also - just a reminder that registration is open for MIXED EMOTIONS, the art journaling workshop that I'm teaching with Marit Barentsen.  It's a SUPER FUN six-week course that runs from February 4th through March 14th.  There are two lessons per week - one by me and one by Marit.   Click here or on the badge in the right sidebar for more information or to sign up.

Thanks so much for visiting my friends!  I really appreciate you!!!


  1. She is so pretty Michelle, I love her hair. I think you have always drawn girls/faces sooooo good, glad your enjoying the process more though. How pretty the burst of color around the edges is with the book paper, always love that.

    I will be signing up for your class after the holidays, can't wait for it to start!!

    WOW, you had to pick just 3 favorites!!?? How did you only pick 3, there's no way I could have picked only 3 of yours. I LOOOOVE them all soooo much. Can't wait to see them.

  2. Now if you would have given her brown eyes ... that could be me-- since you created her on my birthday!! LOL!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee it Michelle!! LOVING the colors and that heart!! GORGEOUS!!!!

  3. Happy December right back at ya, Michelle! I love this page and your girls smiling face. I needed to see this smile this morning!!!!! Thanks!

  4. whaaaa?! you already have pieces done for Marit's Top 2000 blog party? oh my goodness!!! I looked at the list today, does that count?! LOL!!!

    I love this lady's eyelashes! and how her hair flows on the left. if she had brown eyes, she could almost be me! LOL Julie!!! ok, maybe if she were OLDER!

    happy December!!!

  5. I love your girl too Michelle! She has a beautiful alive look that is sometimes hard to draw. Am inspired by her hair - it is so wispy! I am taking some face courses so hope I get to be half as good as you are. Think I may sign up for your course in Jan. Yay!

  6. Fabulous pages, Michelle... love your painting!
