Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Atlas Turned Art Journal - Yippee...!!!

Hi there friends!  I'm so excited cuz I scored this awesome vintage Atlas on ebay for only $14.99!  It's in great shape and it's HUGE!  A whopping 11" x 16" (or 22 x 16" when open!)  Isn't she a beauty???

I turned her into my June art journal, and I'm having so much fun with it!   Here are my first two completed spreads...

 On this one, the purple rainbows and the word "June" are actually gelli-printed deli paper that I cut out and pasted on with a glue stick.  The red and pink titles are done with a molotow marker (my new favorite kind of marker!)

The color on this photo is off, but it gives you an idea of how huge this book is.  I have the book on my lap. Check out how little my feet look - ha!

Here's the first step in my page for today. It's a page with lots of info about the moon and earth.  If you look closely you can still see the images under the paint.  I left one earth unpainted...

 and here's the finished page...
The duck is actually a photo of our neighborhood duck.  The girl is a magazine image. The white writing is done with a Molotow marker.

I hope your week is starting out awesome!  Thanks so much for visiting!  I really appreciate you!


  1. Wow!! What a great find!! LOVING your pages!!! You always inspire and amaze me Michelle!!


  3. fantastic!!!! love the duck! what a great book!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. WOWZAA!!!! That's HUGE!!! Also... need to share that you have the BEST smile!!!! I'm interested in the molotow markers you're using... especially the white. Where's the best place to find them?

  6. Thanks for your kind words everyone! They really mean a lot to me! Emie, I got my molotow markers from amazon.com in sets. You can also buy them open stock from blick.com.

  7. Thanks Michelle..... I'll check out Amazon!!!!

  8. It is AMAZING, Michelle!! I have a big Atlas that I have prepped with gesso. You inspire me to actually start working in it!!

  9. You are amazing and I love this book!!!!! Thank you for all of the inspiration.

  10. I just love your art journaling pages! Wow, and your lettering!!!! Hugs and blessings

  11. Hi Michelle! I've been going through your blog and loving the Art Journaling which I am just starting to delve into. I TOTALLY love this idea of using a big book and recycling it! You inspired me so much that I went out the same day I think it was and gor myself a similar one, and a few others from a Hospice Bookstore. I love that now I don't feel so bad if I "mess up", because I only paid a small price for the book, versus my lovely Mixed Media Journals and their blank pages that simply scare me to death!
    One question, did you gesso the pages beforehand? And are you glueing a few pages together to make it a bit sturdier or not?
    Again, thank you for the inspiration! My first spread is on my craft table waiting to dry before i add the next layer.

  12. Wow, the book is fab and I love your pages. It would take me a lifetime to finish that book! Have fun. Can't wait to see more.

  13. I love what you have created with this book!! It is amazing! PJ Taylor
