Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome Summer and thoughts on Balance...

Hey there everyone!  Happy Sunday!  I completed an art journal spread yesterday to celebrate summer solstice (which was on Friday).  Here's how it turned out...

While I played with my paints and papers, I gave a lot of thought to my word for the year:


I am really loving the balance in my life right now; although I must admit it's nothing like I thought it would be at the beginning of the year (when I chose the word). 

At the beginning of the year I felt like life was too hectic, I needed to balance things out.  To figure out a way to make time for everything in equal amounts.  I thought that was the answer.  I thought giving my life more structure would ease the stress of a busy life.  Over the first half of 2013, there's been an evolution in my mind.  I have realized that balance doesn't have to mean that all things are equal; it just means that all things feel right, and I am happy with the amount of time spent in the different areas of my life.

Way back many years ago (it seems like a whole different lifetime) I remember being up late (11pm was late in those days), watching a special on Neil Young.  I think it was on Austin City Limits.  The house was quiet and I was mesmerized.  I had been a Neil fan forever, but that night I found myself really thinking about him as an artist; how he had that one passion - his music - that he dedicated himself to, long enough to get really good at it; and how cool it would be to have a passion like that. 

Fast forward to now.  I am not comparing myself to Neil Young in any way shape or form - (he is like a god to me, when it comes to music); but I have a passion.  I love to create.  And I love to do it every day.  I love to spend pretty much all of my free time creating.  And contrary to my belief at the beginning of the year - for me that IS balance.  :0)  I may have laundry piling up, but maybe the answer isn't to do more laundry.  Maybe the answer is to have fewer clothes!  I spend quality time with my husband and family, I do my day job, and I create.  I prefer a small group of close friends to lots of social activities.  When I feel called to do other things, I do, but I don't want to feel guilty about spending time on my art anymore.  I'm working on that, and I'm making progress.  Yeayyy!!!

I will close with a video from the man himself, Neil Young - doing one of my favorites of his.  Needle and the Damage Done.  Check it out:

How about you? Who has inspired you? What do you feel passionate about? What does the right life balance mean for you?   I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Have a wonderful week my friends, and thanks so much for visiting me!


  1. Beautiful post Michelle! I love love love love your page! That sun is AMAZING!!!

  2. Your pages are stunning.
    My true passion is to create as well.
    Yes my family comes before I create, but whenever my mind tends to wander it is always on to something creative.
    I have never felt guilty about my passion..I love your point about less clothes, instead of doing more laundry...excellent point.

  3. Balance has always been a key word for me. I will struggle with it all of my life. So I married a Libra...whose sign is the scales!
    What an awesome page! How did you make all of those beautiful, uniform dots? Yeah, I'm a technique junkie!

  4. Michelle, this is so awesome!! I love the big sun, how did you get it so perfect!! It's gorgeous and those dots really make the page pop, love this!!

    Great to read about your OLW and happy it's working and changing for you. I know it's gotta be hard to work and make time for all the creative time you love. It shows in all you do, happy for you and FOR US to see it all!!

    Have a wonderful week too!

  5. p.s. I can't wait to see what you make with this weeks' SOC, they are one of my favorite combos together. HAVE FUN WITH IT!!

  6. What a wonderful and wise post, Michelle. And you could not have closed it better then with that video (but you know I am a Neil Young fan too...)

  7. awesome Michelle...I HAD to comment..I am struggling with this balance thing too..determined to work it out :) LOVE Neil Young..and funny cuz we go see him whenever we can..great inspiration and I SO love your blog..thanks for sharing all you do!

  8. I can so totally resonate with your thoughts in this post, love your sunny balance and Neil Young. Passion to create, oh yes, and it will be so fun to be creating alongside someone as talented as you. xox

  9. Great post! Oh, balance - always striving for that. I love Neil's early stuff like this one (enjoyed listening to it again!) but didn't get into his later stuff. Glad he was pursuing his craft but he lost me as a fan but still love his old stuff. Anyway, enough about that but really loved and related to you post.

  10. Beautiful journal spread to go with your post... it is bright bold and beautifully balanced!! I've pretty much given up on trying to achieve a normal balance... just swing back and forth between the extremes and hope I find my balance that way! :D

  11. I am so happy that you found your "balance" and that you don't feel guilty about creating anymore! I find it extremely hard!! Balance that is!!! And your beautiful sun page is just amazing, Michelle!
