Saturday, July 27, 2013

Here's what's Coming...

I miss my daily blogging practice, and I'm going to participate in this to help me get back on track...

Starting August 1st, I will be posting every day for 30 days.  Want to join in the fun?  Click here to find out more.


  1. YIPPEEE!!! I'm so happy you will be posting, I miss your daily blogging!!
    Not sure if I can but we will see.

    Somehow I missed the post below, comments is giving me a hard time so hope this one works.
    It's beautiful Michelle, the girl is lovely just like YOU!! I like the softer colors in this one too.

    Hope your weekend is going well. Can you believe it's almost August already, time flies!

  2. Thanks for the link! I've needed inspiration to boost my blogging. I'm joining in.

    I've enjoyed my first visit to your blog this morning and plan to come back when I can spend more time here. It's nice to meet you!
