Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Project Life Update - March 2013...

Hello friends!  I didn't get a chance to finish the August Project Life spread that I worked on over the weekend, but I've got one to share with you today from March...

March 18 - 26, 2013...
 Page protectors used are Design A (left) and Design C (right)
What's happening here? A family dinner at our place with all of the kids, a couple of workshops documented, snuggly kitties and some words of wisdom from my favorite Swami.

 Left side detail:
 I was working with the beautiful blues and golds of the Seafoam kit this week, plus odds and ends from my stash. 

 Right side detail:
I receive weekly "Words of Wisdom" emails from Sri Swami Satchidananda and I just love them.  They so often speak of things I've been thinking about, it's amazing.  They are free and sent from Integral Yoga Magazine.  This particular week I thought the words were especially fitting, so I printed them out and cut them to fit my project life pockets. If you want to check it out for yourself, click here. Also included here is naptime with Johnny and some art-related stuff.

I'm linking up with Project Life Tuesday.  Click here to see what others are doing with their project life spreads.  As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments, and I will do my best to answer them.

Here's me and the Johnmeister signing off; and wishing you a wonderful rest of the week!   Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Hi Michelle,
    I love seeing your PL pages!! These are so pretty with the oranges and blues together, I still need the Seafoam kit. It all looks good to me, lots of fun stuff and your wonderful art!

    Have a great day!

  2. LOL!! Loving that you included the outtake from the family pic!!! And CUTEEEEEEEEE photo of you and Johnny!!!!

  3. I always enjoy your project life pages. I can't read them but I love the photos, especially the ones that include your feline family members!

  4. Michelle, I just started project life! Love your spreads!

  5. Thanks Ruth! I hope you love working with Project Life too!
