Thursday, September 5, 2013

Faces #4 and 5...

Just stopping in real quick to share my 4th and 5th faces...

Face #4...
 Mechanical pencil on deli paper.  She is part of a vision I have for an art journal page.  I may or may not end up adding her to the page, but it was fun to try a profile.  They are much  harder for me to draw than a front facing portrait!

For face #5 I decided to try an experiment.  I misted a splotch of spray ink onto my little journal, and told myself, however it looked when it dried, I was going to make a face out of it.  Here's the splotch...

and here's how she ended up...
I think she's my favorite so far.  :0)

This 29 faces thing is really broadening my horizons!

Thanks so much for visiting, and for your kind comments!  They really brighten my day!

See you again tomorrow!


  1. Ohhhhhh these are wonderful Michelle!! I am IN LOVE with that second one!! How genius to make a face from the circle you created!!! LOVE IT!

  2. I love the splotch face! Her eyes are great! I've gotta try this.

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I love her big nose so much!!! She looks like she's saying "I got a secwet!" such a sweetie!

  4. I think chickie girl is going to be a blog favorite!!!! She is precious!

  5. Michelle, these are so great. Only you could turn a blob into something adorable and awesome!!

    Great job on the first one, I've wanted to try that too.

    Happy weekend!

  6. ADORABLE!!!
    Love your splotch girl. Your profile is great too, I hope you pop her in your journal.

  7. Michelle, you are so inventive! The one with the botched nose made beautiful with the nose job and now here is an orange blob face that defies description she is so cute.

  8. Your work is so inspiring!
    Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  9. LOVE the splotch face!!! So much Character! I find that when I have fun, the best stuff happens!! I love reading your posts!! Thanks for sharing!!

  10. OMG! That little girl is SO cute! I'm going to have to try that. What a great idea!

  11. Hi Michelle! I love, love, LOVE your faces!!!! The first one is so beautiful and cool, and your second one is so darn creative and just FUN!!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us, my friend!

  12. Wonderful idea and face! Love it!

  13. Both of these faces are delightful ~ and I love the contrasting styles. Wonderful!

  14. Aren't you brave? I would like to, but don't know if I have the moxie to try a splotch painted.

    Your splotch lady is terrific.

  15. Face 4 on the deli paper is gorgeous!!!

  16. Hi Michelle, Love you side profile and yes she would make a journal page special, go with it. As for the Ink spray experiment.......I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

  17. Really cute! Makes me smile!

  18. The spray ink face is so cute and creative.
