Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Final Book of Days Spread for this session...

Hey there friends!  Just a quick post to show you the final Book of Days spread for this session.

Effy had us make a tribute page to all the work we have done this session.

Here's how it turned out...

I kept my background plain, cuz I loved how the bright colors looked against the brown kraft paper.  How fun it is to see my progression thru all 12 weeks in one place!  I think this would be a great idea to do at the end of any workshop, don't you?

Now BOD is done until session 2 starts on April 28th.  It's actually open now for new people to complete boot camp, but the actual lessons start on April 28th.  I'm all signed up and can't wait!  If you want to find out more about BOD or sign up for session 2 - click here.

P.S.  I signed up for another workshop that sounds really awesome - check it out...

It's kinda expensive, but it looks really in-depth, and it's on my favorite subject:  Creating a creative practice!  It starts on April 17th and I'm so excited!  There's an early bird discount if you sign up before April 7th.  Click here if you want to find out more.

That's it for today!  Thank you so much for visiting!  I wish you a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. This is gorgeous!! The faces look amazing!!!!

  2. LOVE LOVE the last pages for your class!! So awesome seeing them all together and how much fun you had.

    I had heard about this class but not sure about taking it. Looking forward to seeing what you do in it.
