Saturday, July 5, 2014

Celebrating Sumer of Color (LOL)...

I didn't notice the mistake til the very end when I was doing the border, but I still love my page.  It makes me giggle every time I look at it...
I did this page for Week 6 of Summer of Color.  This week's colors are Pink, Apple Green and a splash of dark green.  My favorite combo so far!

You gotta love your pages, mistakes and all, right?  They just become part of your story.

In other news, I'm deep into the first week of Sketchbook Skool and LOVING it!  It's more than I even hoped it would be!  Next post I will share my first finished assignment.

Until then, take care and have a great weekend!  Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. I didn't even notice the missing m because your colors are so vibrant and your page so beautiful, that they took my eyes away from it. It wasn't until I stopped looking everywhere in delight, and read what you wrote on the page that I noticed.

  2. Tori is right-it's not an "in your face" mistake because the lettering ,doodling and vibrancy of the colors take you around the whole page-great job!

  3. i love it! it looks like you could have planned it! and i love your approach to just giggle when you see it!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi Michelle! WOW, this is gorgeous and these colors are perfect for you. I love it! It took me several looks to see what was mistake you made, so glad you left it this way.

    Thanks for the visit to my blog, so nice seeing you there. I loved these colors too this week. Can't wait to see next weeks.

    YAY for enjoying your class!

  6. WOW, Michelle! What a wonderful spread you made using this week's SOC colors! I just love everything about your creative, happy, and amazing work of art!!!

  7. I had to look a FEW times before I saw that you had drawn an arrow for the extra 'M'!! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeee this! LOVING those bright colors!!!!!!!

  8. LOL - you didn't need the extra m because we're all just adding it with our delicious fun comments. :-)

  9. Wow I love the vibrancy of your COS
    Have a nice Sunday

  10. Beautiful page with not an oops but a 'how interesting' the arrowed M is a fabulous touch, very unique and of course it was meant to be like that because you are having fun with SoC! <3 :D

  11. I never noticed. I looked for the mistake and didn't see it. Then I read what you wrote and went back and looked. And laughed! It's yet a beautiful piece of work. Just a reminder that even with our imperfections we are yet beautiful!

  12. Goooooooooooorgeous, quirky and very, very fun. Mistake? Happy accident I reckon!

  13. This si so bright and fun! Veeeerrryyyy summery :-)

  14. I have been calling in to see your art and thought I should say hi. Love your work. I love colour too and am inspired by your daily journaling pages. Happy creative week :-)
