Sunday, August 3, 2014

Now where were we?

Oh my gosh it's been wayyyyyyy too long since I've blogged - I've missed you!  As I'm getting ready to retire (68 days left now), things have been all aflurry and I've been having a tough time fitting in everything I want to do creatively.  Thus, the blog has been suffering, and I do apologize for that. 

I recently read Cathy Johnson's book The Artist Journal Workshop, and wow is it inspiring!  I can't recommend it highly enough!  In it, she talks about lots of different ways to journal, and one really resonated with me - it's called "integrated journaling," which really just means that everything goes in one book.

Here's a page I made in my Book of Days on the subject (click image to see it larger):

 (the page is inspired by an exercise in Judy Wise' Mixed Media Workshop)

If you know me, I'm sure you know that I am constantly changing my journaling "system;" so much so, that it has become comical to some of my friends (grin).  I've been ruminating on this for awhile, and while I didn't immediately change all of my books into one, I am heading in that direction.  Since I read about integrated journaling in Cathy's book, I've been inspired by others who also put everything in one book.  Two of my Sketchbook Skool teachers in particular - Prashant Miranda and Roz Stendahl have talked about this, and Roz even has this absolutely fantastic indexing system for her journals that just has me mesmerized.  Check it out here.

Anyhoo, as of August 1st, I've started a new Book of Days, which will now be my only journal besides my planner.  Here's the beginnings of it...

It's painted canvas in an 8" x 10" size...

I used my favorite binding technique (learned in Effy Wild's Bookbinding 101 free course)...

Here's the back...
(The layered painting technique is inspired by Rae Missigman's Sketch Paint and Store workshop.) 

I left the first spread blank, so I can figure out what I want to put there at a later date.  This is pages 2 and 3 (inspired by the new "personal sovereignty" edition of the Book of Days workshop)...

Next time I will do a catchup post on Sketchbook Skool (which I am still LOVING, by the way!)

I hope you are having an AWESOME weekend my friends!  Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. OMG!!! Retiring?! Whoo Hoo!!! That's exciting news!!!

  2. Visiting from SBS! Fun art you make! Love that you are informing others of the joys of Sketchbook Skool!

  3. Your blog post is very inspiring!
    I love your book and the beautifully painted cover; your colours are just the ones I love best too! Makes me want to make a similar book!

  4. Great blog post and your journal is beautiful! I want to make one like that!

  5. Great post Shelley! I love your new journal.
    I'm still working on mine.
    Thanks for the tips.
    Lovely colors!

  6. Wow wow wow!! These are gorgeous! LOVING that bead work on your binding!!!!

  7. I love your title my friend... now where was I? hmmm, under a rock I guess, gathering the pieces of my life and trying to find my way in a new house/town/partofthecountry... but I'm about ready now to dive into creativity and online connecting again, so here I am, grinning about your 'new system' and loving your pages. Keep it up dear, keep on rockin' in the free world!! Love from (my new part of) Holland (near the sea now!)

  8. Thanks so much for your kind words everyone!

  9. You will love being retired! I just retired in June and it is everything everyone ever said (the good stuff)!! Lots of time for things YOU want to do. Love finding your blog... I want to try the One Little Word now too! And love all your bright colors!
