Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Girly Girl, Goddess and Stranger...

Hi friends!  I've been working like mad in the Radiant Faces workshop, and I'm excited to share my pages with you!  What I love about this class, is learning all different artist's perspectives and techniques, and applying my own style and twist to them. Some are more in my comfort zone than others, but they have all been fun!  Here are the latest three lessons...

This one is taught by Christy Tomlinson, and it's called the Girly Girl...

 Here's my "Goddess", taught by Julie Gibbons...

and here's my "Stranger", as taught by Dina Wakley...

In other news, I'm working on coming up with a more organized blogging schedule - something with weekly features, maybe some tutorials, and all kinds of different information and inspiration - oh and giveaways too!

In the meantime, you can help me out by letting me know what types of things you would like to see on this blog?  I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for visiting me here today!  I wish you a fabulous weekend!


  1. Hi Michelle! I always love your faces, so pretty and colorful!!

    I'm excited about you blogging more and love everything you share. My favorite is when you share the process of your paintings. Anything you share will be great!!
    Thanks for the visit on my blog, so nice to see you there again.

  2. Love love love love these!!!! That Stranger one is fascinating!!!!!

  3. I'm with Julie: the stranger page is intriguing and I love it very much! I find it difficult to paint/draw faces, I should practice it more because I love seeing faces on art journal pages.

  4. WOWZA Michelle! I love all of yoru "girls!" You have been a busy little art journal creator, my friend! I love, love everything that I see here whenever I visit. I would love for you to consider teaching another class??? Maybe???
