Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Workspace Wednesday - My painting station...

Hi friends!  Here's a quick Workspace Wednesday post for you...

This is how my painting station looks right now.  It sits on one end of one of those folding banquet tables in the middle of my studio...

I keep some big sheets of kraft paper underneath everything to keep it clean.  As a side benefit I can create some pretty cool hand-painted papers with them, just by wiping my brush off before sticking it in the water to clean it.

I keep one set of small tubes of lots of colors on the table.  The bigger paint containers are stored away unless I'm using them.  You can barely see it in the right hand corner, but there's a big pink craft sheet as the main surface for painting.  I find that putting the underpapers to the side (rather than actually under my project) makes it easier to wipe paint onto them without risking getting the wet paint all over my project.  Also, there are two water buckets - one for rinsing off warm colors, and one for rinsing cool colors.  Helps to keep your water from turning to mud so fast.  I keep the covers on the buckets to keep the cats from investigating...
Acrylic brushes are being stored in an old marker organizer...

Watercolor brushes and water are kept separate from the 
acrylics, to keep them clean and working nicely. 

The nice thing about the water basin covers is they are also palettes!

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.  Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Hello Michelle!! I love seeing your space, missed it these last couple weeks. How nice it looks and I learned things I didn't know, like the warm and cool water difference and keeping watercolor and acrylic brushes separate. I mix all mine into one cup that has a little bit of water in it to keep them from hardening. Is that bad for them? Also what are your favorite paintbrushes?

    LOOOOVE your girls below, SOOOO pretty!!!

  2. Love love love your space!! So fun! LOVING all the paints!!!!! And PS ... I got more travel magazines today ... let me know if you'd like them :) :)

  3. Oh WOW Michelle... your painting space is so organized! I should take an example... My brushes are all mixed (paint brushes with glue brushes even!) and I don't have fabulous water tanks...they look like the perfect things to have! I never seen them here in HOlland though... Have a great and creative New Year dear!

  4. Hi Michelle! I love yoru paint work space! It's so organized and everything in it's proper place! I NEED to get more organized here and hope to have some time to do so this month! Thanks so much for your visit to my blog, too! It sure does look like you are enjoying your retirement!

  5. I'm new to your blog (found thru your Balzer guest post) and LOVE it when artists show their space, you learn the little things that make a big difference ... I'm new at this, but never thought about a water for cool colors and another for warm. Thanks so much for sharing, what a fun post!
