Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Artfully Inspired Update...

Just a quick share today, of a couple more pages from the Artfully Inspired Life workshop.

January's theme was "spark," and we were working on embellishing our own handwriting.  I had tons of fun making this mandala...

Now we are on to February!  The theme is "passion," and we are working on whimsical calligraphy.  I have discovered that calligraphy is especially challenging if you are a left-hander!  Wow!  I did tons of practice on scratch paper before I tried writing in my journal.  I did a search on youtube and found out that it helps us left-handers if you turn your paper sideways, so I tried it and it worked!  It's still challenging to hold the pen at the correct angle, but I am enjoying learning this new skill...

Thanks so much for visiting today! I appreciate you!


  1. The mandala with lettering is AWESOME Michelle!!! I always admired your writing and lettering, but this is even more fabulous! I didn't know you are left-handed... must be difficult to work with (wet) ink. My beloved is left handed too, but he only works at the computer, no wet ink there ;) He does use the mouse with his right hand though... it's the only thing he does 'right'... how do you do that on the computer? Or do you have a finger-tip-screen and no mouse/pen???

  2. Wow wow wowwwwwwww!! You are just amazing Michelle! These are gorgeous!!!!!!

  3. I really love what you do, Michelle! I love your bright colors. Thanks for sharing!

  4. that mandala is stunning. I love your calligraphy too. Beautiful work my friend.
