Sunday, June 1, 2008

I'm on the Catwalk Baby! and other news for the week!

"I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk"
~ Right Said Fred

I made the catwalk this week at SiStv!!! YEAY! Can you see me singing the song and dancing in my livingroom? I am wayyy excited that my "Funny Face Girl" layout was chosen by the fabulous Adrienne Looman, who designed the "I Heart Candytown Papers" that I used. Adrienne - I feel honored! Thank you! This week's catwalk will be up for one more day so check it out!
There's a fun new site on the web called! It's free and you can use it to create digital scrapbook pages - how great is that?!! I've never done digital scrapping before, but I found it easy to use - here's my first attempt:
You can access Scrapblog right thru the SiStv site, or directly on the web at Give it a try, it's fun!

Scrapping the Music had a great turnout this week - the slideshow for "A Perfect Day" is fabulous! Participation was high this week (15 layouts!) - thank you to everyone that played along!


  1. Congrats again on making the Catwalk...yet AGAIN! You're a rock star, baby!!! :)

  2. Congrats again on the catwalk!

    Im going to have to check out that digi site. I have never tried it and would love to! Thanks for the heads up!
