Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday Fun!

Well, our Tuesday started out with some excitement for the boys this morning - a morning dove taking an extended bath outside the scraproom window... aren't they cute?! A couple of urban cats totally diggin' on being transplanted to the country!
Then I came home from work to find this happy mail waiting for me! It's a page kit from my friend Kim - isn't it fabulous?!!! There are five of us in a monthly round robin group. We recycle scrap goodies by sharing them with each other. Anyway - we decided this month that we would each make a little kit for the person we are sending to, to go along with our regular box. Kim went above and beyond for me - I am absolutely giddy! There are even three kinds of fabric! Check out those cute little charms and emoticons! And HOW on earth did she find a flashcard with a green beetle car on it!!! THANKS Kim! You are the greatest!

Isn't happy mail the greatest? Penny - I am getting your page kit ready and will be sending it soon!

Okay, so then I got an email from my sister Renee, telling me that my whimsy jar was picked for the weekly catwalk at SiStv! I am so excited! I made this jar for a swap I am in and will be sending it off to my partner Susan very soon. Thank you Rhi for picking me!

Oh, hey, there's a great tutorial over at Shop Crop Suey! It's for making an embellishment organizer out of a thrift store lampshade! What? I know! It sounds crazy but it's fabulous! Check it out here. You have to scroll down to the August 3rd post.

What else? Oh! I learned a new technique! It's called reverse stitch applique. Here's my first attempt:
I made this ATC last night. You can learn how to do this fun stitching technique on the latest SiStv webisode (#78) here.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

"If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint,"
then by all means paint,
and that voice will be silenced." ~Vincent Van Gogh


  1. I LOVE the pic of your guys watching the birds:) Huge Congrats on the Catwalk with your super cute whimsy jar!!
    So happy you like the kit:) Love how you arranged everything for the photo! Can't wait to see what you make with it!!

  2. Happy mail is so fun! And those kitties are having a great time watching the bird! I love your layouts, the stitching was the perfect touch!
