Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What I Learned from Happy Mail

Happy mail is a beautiful thing. To go to the mailbox - in this age of technology when everything is done via emails and text messages - and find something there with your name on it - handwritten by someone - is a beautiful thing! Yesterday I got an envelope out of the blue with these lovely goodies in it:
an adorable mini-set of acrylic stamps, two pads of journaling tags, and a super cute handmade greeting from Susan Alton (Ladymissusan at SiStv). It totally brightened my day! Thank you Susan!

I also got my final package from my happy mail partner Lorena - and it totally touched my heart. She created the cutest altered tin for me with a label that says - Destination: The World of Art - Returning: Never! Indeed Lorena! I LOVE that! The tin was filled with scrappy goodness, including this handmade book of quotes. Here are some pics of what she sent me:

The scrappy goodness that was in the tin lunchpail,
the altered tin,
the handmade quote book (I love the hot pink duct tape around the edges!)
I love how each page is different,
and so beautiful!
alot of thought obviously went into this, and I am so touched!

Thank you so much Lorena, from the bottom of my heart!

This round of happy mail is over now, and I am left with the memories of what it taught me. First, how nice it is to have a pen pal. I loved sending and receiving letters and packages, learning about a new friend (Lorena), and sharing a bit of my life with her too. Second, I will not forget the beauty of getting something in the mail. You don't have to be in a formal happy mail program to send someone happy mail. I can brighten someone's day anytime by putting a little something in the mail to them. My mind is reeling with ideas...


  1. That is some GOOD happy mail......
    Are you participating in the next round??

  2. So well said! I loved the happy mail group. I enjoyed putting little cards and packages together and I was often tickled silly when I would recieve something. I also learned like you said, that it can be done anytime, not just while in a group. What a great experience!!!!

  3. I'm jealous. :) sounds like fun.

  4. Yay for you!!!!! Go and get your Crop Chick Blinkie:) I need some Happy Mail! Maybe I will play next time around!

  5. I'm glad you love happy mail because there is more coming your way girly! I picked the RAK winner yesterday on my blog and it was you!! yay! Can you either pm me at SIStv or email me your addy and I'll pop it into the mail for you!
