Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's World Card Making Day!

Hey everyone - how's your weekend going? Mine's going great! I got my haircut today, stopped at the thrift store again - resisted buying anything (which was a HUGE accomplishment, since they had some fabulous fabric, but I'm really trying to save my money for our trip), and had a nice telephone chat with my mom on the way home! Now I'm in for the evening and the cats and I are having a scrapaganza! (actually I don't see the cats, I wonder where they are? - note to self - look for the cats. They must be upstairs snoozing.)

We had a Round Robin Party over at the Shop Crop Suey blog tonight in celebration of World Card Making Day! Here's what I made:
I used mostly stuff from the September "Over The Rainbow" Crop Suey kit. If you've never played a Round Robin game, it's a lot of fun. What happens is - the first player starts the project and adds a couple of things. Then the next person has to add those same things (or something equivalent), and then add onto that for their turn. It keeps going til the last person finishes the project. It's fun to see what different things everyone comes up with when following the same directions! If you want to see how it went, head on over to the blog and click on comments, you can see the thread.

So, I'm off to make more stuff! I had another coffee cooler drink this evening and I'm rarin' to go!

Oh, and it won't be long before we can post our layouts for this week's Project Catwalk! I think it's less than a half-hour to go! I will be back here to post mine later tonight!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hanging out with me On Saturday.
    My first round robin... it was ablast.

    I think we should do it again, and more often.

