Friday, October 31, 2008

I've Been Simpsonized...

The Art Journaling class is really getting interesting. We are now finished with the background stage and have moved on to the collage stage. I don't have any collages done yet, but I'm excited to get to work on it!

Martha Bonneau's Altered Book class ended today and it has been great! She has so many great and unique ideas - I can't wait to create my altered book!

I also have my new November Crop Suey kit to play with which is GORGEOUS and FUN and INSPIRING!

And then of course there's the Project Catwalk challenge which is ENORMOUS, and I HAVE to get going on that! I've got some ideas brewing...

So what did I do on a night like tonight when I have wayyyyy lots of projects to do? How do I prioritize you ask? Well, my night went like this: First I took a nap. Then, I got up, ate some cereal, and then I Simpsonized myself and my cats:
That was productive, eh? If you want to Simpsonize yourself, go here.

Tomorrow is a new day and I fully expect to be focused and ready to create!!! (I believe in self-affirmations!)

Plus, a new challenge goes up at Scrapping Across The Universe! and then on Saturday, the new Crop Suey kits go on sale - these will go fast so head on over and grab them!

I will leave you with a quote I saw at Ali Edwards' blog today that I just love:

Learn to write about the ordinary. Give homage to old coffee cups, sparrows, city buses, thin ham sandwiches. Make a list of everything ordinary you can think of. Keep adding to it. Promise yourself, before you leave the earth, to mention everything on your list at least once in a poem, short story, newspaper article.
~Nathalie Goldberg

Until tomorrow fellow scrappers - I wish you new ideas that make you excited to get up in the morning!


  1. LOL - how fun is that- simpsonize ourself :-)

  2. Can't wait to see what you're making in your art journal class!

  3. I love Natalie Goldberg. I've read all her books. She's an amazing writer/teacher.

  4. I can't wait to see what you come up with from your art journal class....I'm sure it will be amazing!!

  5. love that quote! and your simpsonized photo was pretty awesome. :D thanks for sharing.
