Friday, October 24, 2008

Swapping and Scrapping and Cleaning up Cat Paws...

We had a little "incident" today in the scraproom. Willie thought it would be entertaining to walk across my wet art journal page - even though I thought I was so smart by putting it up on top of my box of gaffer tapes where I thought it would be safe from all cat activity. Apparently not! I didn't see him do it, but he jumped up on my lap with three turquoise feet - AARGH! Not only did I have on my new light pink souvenir "Dollywood" hoodie, (which I just got on honeymoon two and would rather not get full of paint just yet), but my main concern was him licking his feet to get it off and getting sick! Anyway, we had a little struggle while I held him upside down in the baby position, got some wet paper towels and went to work on said feet. He is fine now and our relationship has been repaired (LOL) but his front paw is a bit stained I'm afraid:
When I told Michael about the incident he remarked that I should expect no less from a scrapcat that enjoys getting involved in all my creative endeavors! I guess he is right! I learned my lesson though. Now when I paint a page it will go safely hidden behind a closed door or other place that is more "cat-proof" until it is fully dry! :0)

Renee got her Kawaii swap box from me yesterday, so it is safe to show the full picture now! Here's what I sent to her. I'm telling you this kawaii stuff is so cute it's hard not to go crazy buying it all up! My favorite things were the fabric (at the bottom of the pic), the deery lou purse (top right) and the monokoru boo photo album (right in the middle above the Hello Kitty bandaids - it's white). This was such a fun swap to do! Renee is a great partner to have because we tend to like the same things - so she is easy to shop for! I should be getting my box from her soon so I will post a pic of that when it comes.
My November Crop Suey kit came in the mail today and WOW OH WOW is it full of fun stuff! It just might be my favorite kit yet! I hope to be able to post a sneak peek soon, but for now think vintage, whimsical and colorful! Yeay!!!Link
I am excited because tomorrow is my monthly all-day crop with my scrapping friends. I do most of my scrapping at home, so I'm really grateful to have this regular time to get together with my girlfriends and chat and scrap to our heart's content. I am thinking of doing a honeymoon two book along the lines of Ali Edwards current "A Week In The Life" project. I love her clean designs that focus on photography and story. This will be something very different for me, but I'm all about trying new things and it seems perfect to tell the story of our adventure! If you want to try this project too go here.

So what scrappy stuff do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. I am looking forward to seeing your honeymoon two album.

    I hope you have a great time scrapping with your girlfriends!

  2. hahaha- what a fun incident with your cat. Little funny trooper.
