Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Happy News and Projects to Share...

Today was a very exciting day for me! The top five collections were chosen for Project Catwalk and ... my name was on the list! I cannot begin to describe to you how exciting it was to see my name there! I don't even know what to say, except for that I am very honored and very grateful!!! The final challenge will be posted soon and I am so excited to be able to continue this journey for one more week! I can't even imagine what is coming next!

Two of our three kids had birthdays last week! Becca turned 19 on Tuesday, and Steve turned 17 on Friday! I love this picture I got of Stevie blowing out his candles and just had to turn it into a layout right away - I used the November Crop Suey kit:
Click on the image to see the details better. I love that Sassafrass Lass paper - if you click on the image you can see it up close, and it really looks like soft, worn cordurouy!

I also finished my 70s edition of Bree's Decades swap. The 70s were a time of many transitions for me - I went from the age of 11 to 20, and as you can imagine, my musical tastes changed quite a bit thru those years! When I think of the 70s, I think of everyone from the Jackson 5 to John Denver to Aerosmith! LOL! Anyways, I ended up choosing the groovy Jackson 5 for my cards, and here's how they turned out:
I used Lucy Folch's Revolution line of papers, hand-drew the old J5 logo on some plain orange cardstock, and doodled around the edge.

Last but not least, I went thru the paper swap papers, took out the ones I wanted and added papers from my stash that I'm ready to say goodbye to. Here's the pile that will be making its way to Maria - the next one on the swap list. Maria I hope you find something you like!

That's about it for today folks! I will be back soon with more to chat about! Have a wonderful, wonderful Friday!


  1. Wonderful wonderful!! Congrats on that! Great projects!

  2. Such gorgeous photos and layouts!!!!! Loving them!

  3. Congrats on your top 5 position!!!!

    Love your projects!!!


  4. Congrats girlie ont he Catwalk. you are so going to win that thing!
    Go Michelle,

  5. Greetings from Florida! I came by your blog from SisTV and just want to let you know how much I enjoy your style and creative approach. I too cut my own letters/titles, keep a creative journal/diary that's more like a scrapbook and re-purpose many things I have on hand when I create. But winding cat hair into thread .. now that's not something I would have thought of. You gotta let me know how you did that one!
    Here's a link to my Flickr account - if you're inclined to see some of my creations:

  6. CONGRATS!!! that is so fantastic. :D :D

  7. I am so unbelievably proud of you and your collection. I am rooting you on!!! Good luck in the final challenge. You can do it!!!!

  8. Congratulations to you on your huge success as top 5!! I hope you go all the way girl, your work is truly heartfelt and amazing!!
