Saturday, January 24, 2009


Ever since I read Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's blog post on Time and Creativity I have felt really inspired. This whole concept of artists needing time for their ideas to percolate is very freeing for me! Julie I can't thank you enough! I think what I have done in the past is - I would get an idea and think - "oh I will work on that later - I've still got time", and I would not do anything about it until a deadline was looming over me. Then I would look at my project or assignment and draw a complete blank. This has been frustrating because my projects are fun and I look forward to doing them! I also read this inspiring post by Kristina Contes about how she lays stuff all over the floor and adds to different layouts as something inspires her to do so. I LOVE that idea! Wish I had more floor space I would try that one too. I'm seeing a theme here, and it makes me feel like I fit right in. I need time for my ideas to develop. I need to start things when I get inspired, even if the idea isn't completely formed yet. What I really wish I had was a long shelf somewhere in my scraproom, where I could display my partly done projects. That way they would be there in front of me and as ideas formulate I could add to them. Wouldn't that be cool! I'm going to think about that one - there's got to be a solution that will work...

In the meantime, I've got a couple of ideas percolating that I thought I would share with you. The first one is a mini-album I started last night. I was inspired by this project of Kristina Kiessig's, (isn't her photography beautiful?!!!) and decided I want to do a mini-album with fave photos for 2008 too. I started the cover right away while I felt inspired. I used the Social Butterfly kit from SiSTV, which includes this cool Heidi Swap Mirrored Mini-Album. Now I'm letting my ideas for what to do with the inside form a little bit before I go ahead and finish it. I will share the rest with you when I'm finished. Thanks for the inspiration Kristina!

The next idea I'm thinking about includes this vintage 45 record tin I've had for awhile. I'm thinking of altering it to be a holder for file cards that are actually layouts about music that has mattered in my life. A kind of a "soundtrack of my life" idea, if you will. Again, the idea is still formulating, but I think it's going to be really fun!
So tonight is one of those Saturday nights where I am free to scrap all night, and that is what I am going to do - Yeayyyyy! It's super cold out and it feels really cozy here in my scraproom. I'm gonna turn on some music, open a Sodie and go to town!

I will be back tomorrow to share how it went! Peace to you my friends - have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. I percolate all the time. I think and think about a project until it comes to me in my sleep. Same thing goes for things at work. I am usually cutting the deadlines pretty close though.

    great things come from percolation.

  2. I just think of the idea of coffee fills the room with such a sweet enticing aroma...

    You percolate girl, I love all of your projects and can hardly wait to see what gets created once you've percolated.

    Love your great ideas, you always see things "outside of the box"!
