Monday, January 26, 2009

Project 365 Week Four

Project 365 is still rolling, altho I must admit I am getting REALLY anxious to get my kit! I want to print these photos out and start putting the pages together! The latest I heard is that it will be shipping mid-February, so that's not that far away I guess. Anyhoo, Here are my photos from this past week:

Monday, January 19: A snuggly late-nite moment with Willie
Tuesday, January 20: We took a break from our training at work to watch the inauguration together. What an exciting moment in history!

Wednesday, January 21: Michael's computer is on the fritz and he spent the evening working on the problem. Luckily, he likes that sort of thing.

Thursday, January 22: My latest art journal page

Friday, January 23: Evidence of all inhabitants.

Saturday, January 24: Lunch with my wonderful friend Becky!

Sunday, January 25: Becca gives Willie a smooch.

This project is really making me aware of the little everyday moments that make life sweet. I'm having so much fun with it - I could see this becoming a life-long habit!

If you are doing Project 365, how is it going? Any tips you'd like to share? What are you taking pictures of?

Well the new song is up at Scrapping The Music and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! It's "Home" by Marc Broussard. You've got all week to complete a layout - come on over and check it out!

I finished another project with the January Crop Suey kit last night and I wish I could share, but I need to wait til tomorrow for the reveal on the Crop Suey blog, so stay tuned for that!

Here's wishing you a wonderful week, full of unlimited possibility!


  1. I love the evidence of all the inhabitants- this photo cracks me up. At least your inhabitants leave their stuff at the shoe area - LOL: NIles leaves evidence EVERYWHERE- lOL

    Wonderful pictures!!!

  2. Great photos. I really love the first one with the kitty!

  3. I love your pics so far....
    I think I am going to start project 365 on my birthday. I think it will be great to document the first year of my thirties. :)
    Hope your project kit comes soon.....
