Thursday, February 19, 2009

Candlelight Dinner...

Hey everyone! Just a quick post here - I didn't get any scrapping done last night cuz it was Michael and my night to celebrate valentines day! We went to our favorite thai restaurant for a candlelit dinner - it was lovely (sigh)...Soooo, my Project 52 ATC for the week will have to wait for tonite! Hmmm... I think the subject will be something valentiney. :0)

In other news - I signed up for Claudine Hellmuth's new class at SiSTV - "Creativity Kickstart!" I'm so excited - Claudine does AMAZING work, and the class is based on her new Creativity kit! I ordered the book and supplies, and they should be here soon. Class started today, and so far it's looking fun! What's cool is that the instructions will come out in a PDF so they can be used anytime! Yeayyy!

So, I've been wanting to start a daily writing practice of some sort, but what's holding me up is that I always think I have to decorate the page before I write. So, then more often than not - okay MOST OF THE TIME I don't write anything. AARGH. Do any of you do daily writing practices? Do you do them in an art journal or regular journal or what? I would love suggestions in this area.

I hope you are having a wonderful week!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful romantic evening :-)

  2. Daily writing?! Arg. Not this mom on the go. Not that I wouldn't love to do something creative everyday, just finding the time is the question. If I started such a journal that would be one more thing I would feel guilty about not keeping up with. :-)

  3. no daily writing here...
    although i always try and start new things/rituals at the beginning of the year and they never make it past march...
    oh well!
    glad you signed up for claudine's class!
