Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I rushed through my Project 52 ATC for last week, so I was really looking forward to just relaxing and taking my time with this week's card. I did just that and it felt great! Here's what I came up with...I used the Farmhouse Chic collection from SiSTV, along with a Marah Johnson Bird Brad and some hand-drawn clouds cut from foam scraps. My sister Renee hooked me up awhile ago with an article about weaving a journal cover; which gave me the idea to try a weaving technique on an ATC. The weaving is a combination of fabric and paper strips, and they worked together quite nicely! Instead of using a playing card for the backing, I cut a piece of a mountain dew carton to 2 1/2" x 3 1/2." This gave me a sturdier surface for the weaving. Here's the back of the card...
My ribbon is really starting to fill up with these cards! I will take another pic soon so you can see it!


  1. Beautiful bird brad. (Can you say that 10X fast?) LOL The weaving technique is fun. Glad you are slowing down a little and enjoying the process (to quote Rhonna F.)


  2. I love trying out new techniques on ATCs! Love the ribbon on this one, TFS.

  3. Love the card and the colors. Wow!

  4. Oh my gosh!!! This is soooo artiful!!!
    Love love love it! You are sooo creative and clever!

  5. Great ATC Michelle! You've been featured on our inspiration board at!

  6. Great Projects Michelle. Love the ribbon weaving look.
