Thursday, March 5, 2009

E is for Elusive...

The "A Year In The Life of An Art Journal" group is up on the letter E and the word is Elude (I used Elusive). Here's what I've been thinking...I am absolutely loving this project because the process is at the same time freeing and thought-provoking. I've been wanting to do more writing this year and this is helping me focus on that.

Materials used are Peerless Watercolors, Making Memories Acrylic Paint, Jazz Blue Glimmer Mist, A magazine image, Basic Grey alpha stickers, and a white sharpie (which I just tried for the first time tonight and I'm absolutely loving).

I guess that's it for today. I will be back tomorrow with more to share - take care my friends and have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Such a great project!! LOVE this color...really draws me in! :0)

  2. That eggplant color is so rich...It really speaks to me as I am drawn to purple.

    A white sharpie!!! Where did you get that?

  3. Hey! You won my stamp! Email me at
    livingroomfloor [at] gmail . com, send me your address and I'll send it out!

    Thanks ;)

  4. Oh my-I love this page! Beautiful!!!

  5. Love this book page. Awesome!
