Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh, the Drama...

Okay, I just have to say that the new Drama Queen collection from SiSTV is absolutely FABULOUS!!! Mine arrived yesterday and I just about fainted from all the jaw-dropping goodness! It might just be my fave collection yet! Here's a pic of the Willmeister checking it out... what I really love about it is the combination of LOTS of fabulous vintage stuff, along with enough cool new stuff to round it out into a funky, shabby, groovy pile of goodness that I can't wait to start creating with! Yeayyyy - SiS does it again!

OMG I've got so much to share - a new book I'm reading, an AWESOME RAK I got in the mail today, and so much more! But alas, it's getting late and I must get some sleep, so it will have to wait til tomorrow's post.

I hope you like the new Cat Stevens video I posted in the sidebar. He is one of my all time faves from way back in high school, and for some reason "Peace Train" has been going thru my mind a lot lately. Just wanted to share the vibe!

Alrighty, I better get going, but I will see you tomorrow - thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, A RAK in the mail. I must say that I should probably wear my glasses first thing in the morning because I thought you said a RAK in the Mall, and I wanted to know what MALL that was so I could go there. :-)

  2. Anytime I can make you smile, I will. I'll be here all week! (*rim shot!*)
