Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Project 365 Week Fourteen...

And here we go with another week's photos...

Monday, March 30: My new "Drama Queen" collection arrived from SiSTV today, and the boys approve. They are especially fond of all the trims!

Tuesday, March 31: Johnny shares my amazement at the morning snowstorm. You can't really see it here, but the snowflakes were HUGE!

Wednesday, April 1: More snow this morning. Just enough to make my road trip to Cambridge pretty!

Thursday, April 2: I never get tired of photos like this. Their friendship warms my heart!

Friday, April 3: The grass is not green yet, but Mr. Squirrel is looking handsome!

Saturday, April 4: Our Becca girl stops by to visit!

Sunday, April 5: Drat! There is never a good time for the washer to break. Aargh.

And here's how the layout turned out. Super simple this week - no extra embellies. I just let the photos do the talking...(click to see more detail)

I will be back tomorrow with more to share! Take care my scrappy friends!


  1. woow. a black squirrel- never saw one. You know ours in Europe are red. Love your pictures- gorgeous!

  2. love all the pics..and the pics of the snow...awesome..and those stash..yummylicious!!

  3. Love that LO!!! Is your washing machine fixed by now? I'm working on a "scrap the music" LO right now, you got me going! You'll see it coming in a few days (I hope... I spend hours stitching and embroidering... when's due date anyway? I'm such a slow scrapper, always want it to be perfect!)

  4. Lovely pics! Hope your washer is fixed soon, yikes.
