Thursday, April 16, 2009

Scrapping Out Loud...

It's that wonderful time of year in Minnesota where the heat is off, the windows are open and the air conditioner isn't necessary yet! I appreciate every day of this short season we call spring. I am looking out my scraproom window and there are two dogs running that joyful run, like they've been holding back all winter and now they are just BUSTING into action! Huge circles around the yard - over and over as fast as their legs will take them. I love it.

I discovered a new challenge blog thru Marit called Scrapping Out Loud, and decided to play along with them this week! The challenge is to use paint on a page, which is right up my alley! The subject matter was inspired by Angie Backen's daily inspiration post for April 14 at SiSTV... I used my new Drama Queen collection, which I am totally in love with! The soft colors are so yummy! I painted the entire background with pink acrylic paint; then used a magazine image, which I highlighted with dark pink oil crayon. The quote is from the book Simple Abundance.

Michael is still working on the entryway. Three coats so far and its looking like it will need one more to cover completely. WE are LOVING the orange!

I hope you have a fantabulous Thursday evening! I will be back tomorrow with another update!


  1. such a gorgeous page- I love the woman peeking :)

  2. I'm glad you found Scrapping out LOUD! too... I love that challenge blog! You made a wonderful lay out, I love the magazine pic! And thanks for adding me sweetie, I love your blog/you too.

  3. This layout definitely screams "Michelle." I love the brightness of that drama queen collection. It looks like you had fun Scrappin out loud. TFS

  4. Beautiful... love the color

  5. Awesome album cover! Love the lady peaking out, and the trim at the bottom! Glad you came out and played along with us!

  6. omg - this might be my favorite! Love the pink and the positioning of the girl. It's just beautiful, the whole thing!
