Friday, May 8, 2009

Art Journal Pages...

I had a lot of fun playing in my scraproom last night! I think I have my SiSversary charms all figured out! Yeayyyyy! When I get a few done I will post them. Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with!

I got a chance to do The Next Step's first challenge tonight too. I had another art journal page that I started in Dina Wakely's class, and I thought it would be the perfect chance to try out the "painting using stamps as a guide" technique. I had already stamped the eye of horus on the page with this stamp:
so I painted over it with acrylic paint and a tiny brush. So fun! Other materials used on this page include spray ink, magazine images, black oil crayon, colored pencils, and a sharpie. The words are a reminder to myself...

I finally made my "H is for Happiness" page in my "Year in the Life of an Art Journal" project. For this I used my "Oh Happy Day" collection (designed by my awesome sister Renee), plus a paint chip, pom pom trim, a magazine image and a handmade yoyo.
Journaling reads:
One thing I've learned is that I can't expect anyone else to "make me happy." It's too much pressure to put on another person, plus it puts it out of my control. I choose to make my own happiness and I'm loving my choice.

The red dymo labeling is a quote by Melody Beattie that reads:
"each moment in time we have it all, even when we think we don't."

Tonight I am preparing for a 12-hour crop on Saturday. I'm not sure what I'm going to work on - I've got to figure it out quick because if I go to a crop unprepared, I end up getting absolutely nothing done. Either way it's good girl time tho!

Are you getting crafty this weekend? I'd love to hear what you are working on!


  1. ohhh that stamp is so amazing - love what you did with it!

  2. Just loving your art journal pages - I have to admit I haven't done any lately, but last weekend I did lots of layouts for SIS, and I have been doing lots of watercolor painting lately as I am taking a class. Have fun at the Crop!

  3. NSD really sparked my mojo battery. I feel charged up. I'm going to do a page tonight for a scrapgal challenge using buttons. And I've got to get a mini in the planning stages for "a day at the zoo". I've never done a mini and I'm so hyper-critical of myself. Gotta work on that! Love your journal pages, they're very inspiring.

  4. anonymous above is me. kimbo, having trouble signing in.

  5. Looks great, Michelle - glad to see the blinkie code worked for you. I love your journal page! :)

  6. Sounds like a good Saturday. Hope it's productive or fun or both. I like that eye.

    This weekend I HAVE to finish some inchies. Feeling the crunch.


  7. Hey Michelle, hope your weekend (the crop) was fun! I had a crafty weekend myself, but can't show anything yet... maybe tomorrow (if my mum receives her little book - she reads my blog so I won't put it on yet) Your Art Journal still amazes me! So inspiring, and know what? I sprayed ORANGE ink today!!! Yeah for me and Yeh for you for getting me turned around - I kinda like orange now! (but not for a wall...)

  8. That is really cool what you did with the stamp! So creative! Thanks for playing along with The Next Step!
