Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Project 365 Week Twenty-One

On Monday, when I mentioned that it was the memorial day holiday here in the U.S., I got a few questions about what the memorial day is for. Our memorial day is set aside to honor the men and women who have died while in military service. You can read more about it here.

So, on to Project 365 - we are in week 21 already! Wow, almost half-way through the year!

Monday, May 18: Michael and I saw these lilacs on our walk and it reminded both of us of our childhood! The smell is so sweet and nostalgic!
Tuesday, May 19: I used the Starbucks gift card my Secret Sister sent me to get a Large Iced Soy Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel! YUMMY! Thanks Secret Sis!
Wednesday, May 20: This is my creative project to-do list that I keep in my scraproom.
Thursday, May 21: These two just amaze me.
Friday, May 22: My sweet man washing my car for me - he is so wonderful!

Saturday, May 23: A little father-son game of catch in the yard - Michael and Tony...
Sunday, May 24: It was a beautiful day at Lake of the Isles. Michael and my first walk around the lake this year...

and here's how the layout turned out...

I am loving this project so much! It has completely freed me of the feeling like I should be scrapping a layout for each event - there is no more feeling of not being caught up. Snapping a photo a day has become such a routine and fun part of my life. And putting the weekly layout together doesn't take long at all. The thing that takes the longest is trying to get a decent picture of the layout - it's hard to photograph clearly.

If you want to know more about Project 365 - click here.

That's all for today, but I will be back tomorrow with another update - take care and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your "to do list" makes me dizzy.... and you work too? And walk around the lake? Do you have dishes and loundry? Makes me wonder if there are more hours in a day over where you live - if that's the case, I come live there too! (be your neighbour :) )

  2. you are rocking the 365!
    I'm looking forward to seeing you in JUNE!!! YAY! xo

  3. You're awesome! My track record for being consistent is, well, non-existent. LOL. I love your 365 project!!

  4. Your Secret SIster!May 28, 2009 at 5:41 PM

    your drink looks super tastey...
    glad you used the giftcard!
    wooo hoooo!...
    so glad to i get to meet you soon irl!...
    this secrecy (sp) thing is killing me!...
