Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Scrapping The Music and Collage Couture!

Happy Tuesday!!! Monday was beautiful, and it's so nice to still have daylight after 9:00 pm! I love it!

This week's song at Scrapping The Music is "These Are The Days" by 10,000 Maniacs. Come on over and play along with us! We'd love to see what you create! I had a lot of fun making my layout for it. I used the Homebody Collection from SiSTV, plus a little Adirondack spray ink on the bottom behind the word Lucky. The title is a lyric from the song...
The journaling reads:
I've watched you grow from the little kittens I adopted from the rescue center, both with snotty noses and respiratory infections; thru your kitten stage when you were into everything and climbing everywhere. You made me laugh and exasperated me at the same time. You've moved twice with me - both times loving your new home (to my relief.) You were a comfort when I was lonely, and now you share my joy. You accepted Michael right away, and I love watching your cute relationship with him. My funny, snuggly comedians that love to watch the birds and stay up late scrapping with me. I love you both and I am blessed and lucky to have you in my life!

Next is my first project for the class I'm taking at SiS called Collage Couture. It was my first time using gloss gel medium and I think I will be using it a whole lot more!

I will be back tomorrow with a Project 365 update! Take care and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh Michelle... I'm in love with "the green one" and I LOVE how you did the title... I'm gonna lift that from you (don't you always inspire me?!!!)I finally got my Mojo back yesterday - it was gone for 5 days! EEEEK! - and today I will be scrapping, Yeah! So new stuff on my blog coming today or tomorrow!)

  2. such gorgeous background color on your lesson 1. (I loved the first class and expect the rest will be just as informative and inspiring) Love your title alphas on both of these pieces - are you hand cutting them? You are one majorly creative lady!

  3. Loving all your cut out title work! You are so innovative with your work.
    awesome stuff chickie! :)

  4. Awwwwwwwww how CUTe are those kitties.......makes my heart melt! Love the colours in both LO's - sooooo incredibly clever Michelle!!!
