Tuesday, June 30, 2009

SiSversary Rocks! and Project 365 Week 26

OMG SiSversary was so much fun! Meeting everyone in real life was surreal and amazing! I had so much fun! Learned a ton! Made new friends! Had a BLAST! I took 149 photos! I will be able to describe it more eloquently once I catch up on much needed sleep, but suffice to say it was a five-star weekend. I can't imagine it turning out any better.

Here's my project 365 photos for this past week:

Tuesday, June 23rd: Johnny relaxing in the scraproom - he loves playing with the paper that Michael makes at the mill...

Thursday, June 25: I arrived at the Embassy Suites in Franklin, TN. Got to meet a lot of people Thursday night - here are some of us having dinner at the hotel...

Friday, June 26: Waiting in line for registration - some of my fave gals - Julie (bmwgirl) Tucker-Wolek, Julie (lalscrap) Weiss, Sasha (GAgyrl formerly Sassy Sasha) Holloway, and Penny (smllchg) D'Autremont...

Saturday, June 27: My secret sister was Andrea! She is soooo sweet and spoiled me like CRAZY!!!! Thanks Andrea - you ROCK!!!

Saturday, June 27 #2: Julie took a liking to my plate girl creation - so I gave it to her. Now she will have a good home with a fab gal. It really touched me that she liked it so much!

Sunday, June 28: Me and my awesome roomies - Penny and Sandy. Sandy is Penny's Mother-in-law and they scrap together all the time - how cool is that!

Sunday, June 28 #2: JJ (aka Jeanette aka Big SiS) is sooooo sweet and funny - I just love her!

What a whirlwind, fabulous, inspiring, heartwarming weekend!

On Monday, Vicki, Marissa and I toured the Grand Ol' Opry before heading to the airport! That was a lot of fun - pics to come soon...

Now I am off to check out challenges and posts that I missed! Thanks so much for stopping by and I will see you tomorrow with another post!


  1. Missed you, but glad you had a good time! I'm off to bed, look at all of your photo's tomorrow... night!

  2. Looks like you had a blast!! So wish I could have gone!!

  3. michelle, i miss you already!!!
    thanks for helping make the weekend the greatest!!!
    love you, friend!!!

  4. ah- wat fun pictures- looks like you had a blast!

  5. Ooooh, those pics makes me way jalous! Seeing all those girls in real life... I wish I had been there!

  6. I am so jealous but so happy for you at the same time. Glad you had such a fabulous time and that plate girl is awesome! thanks for sharing the pix of SISinversary

  7. I'm so glad you had such a great time!

  8. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! i soooooooooooooo enjoyed meeting U Michelle!!!!! HAD SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
