Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Fun...

Say hello to my new friend...
He's a retro 70's bright orange typewriter!!!! How cool is that???
I was so excited to find this cute little typewriter on ebay (in my favorite color no less!), and even more excited when Michael helped me bid on it and win! It came in the mail yesterday - Yeayyyyyy! It's going to be so much fun to use it to type on journaling spots and layouts!

I can't stop using the June Studio Calico kit! It's so much fun! I did this layout tonight - it's for a couple of challenges - The Story Matters and The Next Step...
The Next Step is all about stitching on layouts this month, and The Story Matters' current challenge is hosted by my friend Sasha, and it's about what gives you inner motivation. I thought that was a great challenge!

So, do you have any scrappy plans for the weekend?


  1. Wooohoooo - an orange typewriter!! Congratulations! (I'm a bit jaelous, but not too much - I don't have place to store my stuff anymore... I need to win the lottery and buy me a big house with a studio!)Have a great Friday/weekend filled with creativity Michelle!

  2. Ooooh. That is SO cool.
    I have a typewriter tucked away somewhere with keys missing. I wonder if it could be refurbished and made to work.

  3. How cool is that, and orange to boot! We saw a vintage typewriter recently at a local market and I considered buying it, but I currently have no place for it.

    I like that layout. The way you used real and paper buttons across the top is truly unique.

  4. Ooh, I LOVE that typewriter! How fun!....And I really like the title on that LO. It's SO true.

  5. I am soo jealous I love your new little friend.. its beautiful.. cant wait to see what you make with it...

  6. M- always love to see what you are up to and the other sites/challenges you support are fun to check out too. love that red page!!! we are broke right now so i got my husband to paint the front door red for me as my bday present, i feel so happy every time i see it. got to scrap that red-o-licious feeling!
    ;) glee

  7. Oh man! The typewriter is hot. I love orange and would have been in a bidding war with you over it. LOL! I would have let you win though. :o) Love your layout. I don't think I have seen a layout of yours I haven't loved. I bet I have said that before, but it is very true.

  8. that is an awesome layout!! I love the buttons and paper along the top! And wicked cool old typewriter!!

  9. Oh YUM, seriously. What did you end up paying for it? How good of condition was it in? I picked up one at our annual Boy Scout rummage sale for $25, could really use a new ribbon, but so far it works okay, I just have to advance it myself.

    Okay, I'll stop with the comments now. Your work is just so inspiring! ;)
